Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's the little things...

There are so many cute and funny little moments that go into this job we call parenting. It has been fun to watch as Elisha begins to grasp more of the English language- and I love that he realizes that there are words on the pages now in the books we read. Sometimes he wants to read word for word and have me point to the word, sometimes we make up stories, staying with the theme of the story, but adding in additionals- like the butterfly on the flower, the fox running past the tomb- those types of things.

Someone asked which Bible picture book we were reading the other day- he loves them all- but the particular one we have in the bedroom now is an American Bible Society toddler bible- I saw it at Walmart yesterday.

We have been reading from this particular book for several months now. As time goes by, different stories catch his fancy. When we first came home- Jeje mama was one of his favorites. Then we began to spend more time with other stories. Yesterday we got to the page where the picture of the nativity is. Of course we pointed out the rooster and crowed. The cow moood, the cat meowed, Joseph was holding the staff you touch to wawa, etc.

I pointed to Baby Jesus. "Who is this?" "Baby Jeje" and I moved on to point out the star ( he loves to sing the Hallelujah chorus) but he said," Kaka- poopoo" I paused, looked down at him- he had already gone potty before we started- "do you have to go poopoo?" "Baby Jeje kaka, Mama"

I was able to see the story through new eyes. Where once he would really look at the pictures here before, lately he had been skimming over the pages with baby Jesus laying in his manger with Mary and Joseph on the first page, the shepherds on the second page and the wise men on the third page. Know I know why!! He thought baby Jesus was on a potty chair!! And, you know, after he pointed it out, I could totally see why he thought so. Guess he figured he'd give him some privacy ;0)

Sooo, I explained that Jesus didn't even have a room, he shared the barn with the animals. And the cows, the donkey and sheep were more than happy to give him the little manger they used for food so he could have a bed. I told him the manger was just like Elisha's crib- where little baby Jesus would sleep, only not nearly as nice. He caught on really quickly- now every time we read it, he points to the crib and says, "Baby Jeje crib?"

The moments. Each and everyone. They are like the bits of scenery that flash by on your journey. Sometimes you are really looking and you see something so sweet. Other times you get so caught up with driving and "getting there," where ever there may be, that you miss those sweet memories.

God, please help us learn to savor the moments. You've given us care of these little ones for such a small amount of time. I pray you help us to make the most of every moment you've given us, sorting out what is really important and lasting and not trifling our time away on unimportant matters. Give us your eyes to see- our vision isn't very good- even our hindsight is only 20/20 :)

Thank you for family and friends, those who know us so well and continue to love and encourage us. Thank you for the time we have to spend here on earth with the other amazing folks you've placed around us.


Jeanette and Greg said...

could not have said it better myself. I enjoy reading the details of your daily life.

The Gobble's (Lanetta) said...

awesome post... and funny story...
Have a great Thursday!!!

Denise said...

Such a precious story, oh what a wonder looking through a little one's eyes. Debbie you are grasping such a treasure of being a parent and being such a wonder of God's love. Thank you for being who you are.