There is a sense of poignancy when we watch our children grow, isn't there? Since we brought Eli home, he loves to pray before we eat- sometimes even with a snack- and it has always been, "Nana Gigi foo." Thank you Jesus for the food.
We have been working with him to say, " Thank you, Jesus, for the food." And he can now say it. He still starts out with his standard, and when we ask him, "What?" He says, "Thank you, Jiji fo food."
We had a speaker come to our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting on Tues. She was talking about Kindergarten preparedness- fun things you can do at home to lay the foundation for future learning. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I've been doing almost everything they suggested.
The speaker works for an organization called Little Hands Learning Company. They produce a lot of materials for children- and their parents- to help in this endeavor. The nice thing about the product they put together is that you get everything, including any supplies you need to complete the activities. Eli absolutely loves it!!
A classic book is the premise for the bulk of the binder- then there are crafts, letter recognition, games, stickers, etc- and as I said, everything is in there- for the book Eli created where the hand picks varying numbers of apples, the book was there, along with a glue stick and little red pom poms. I have a tendency toward the creative bent myself, and I initially thought I could do it all by myself- but I'm finding in getting into the meat of this, we are doing things I wouldn't have thought to do- like using a glue stick with a 2 year old, or using a lot of stickers. I'm finding things Eli likes and enjoys that I wouldn't normally consider- and he is eating it up!! It also gets me thinking outside the box for fun things to do.
I still am amazed that he knows all his numbers up to 10, most of his letters, if not all, his colors and many shapes. We tried search and find puzzles today, and he loves to find the hidden pictures. That really astounds me, as I've known other, much older children, that have no clue how to find a hidden object. His love of reading closely parallels mine- he's memorized so many books- it almost seems he is already reading!! I'm having fun with him, too. I think he's really going to enjoy preschool- I can't believe I'm already thinking about that!!
Tim and I are daily remembering what was going on in our lives just a year ago. So hard to believe it has been a year. At this very moment, we would have been unpacking in our hotel room in Krasnoyarsk, having just arrived from Moscow earlier in the day. Yesterday, well, leap year day- does that count? was when we had our physicals- all 6 grueling hours. Tomorrow will be our one year anniversary of our court witnessed reunion with Eli.
Just thinking about the emotions of that time almost overwhelms me now. I remember them bringing Eli in, screaming and crying, and me, in my pathetic Russian, trying to tell him to come here- it's OK- I am your Mama- and then him coming to me- and playing with me and filling up that empty spot that had grown sooo large over the 4 1/2 months we had waited to see him.
Tomorrow, we are heading out really early. I have a pharmacist conference I'm going to in West Virginia, so Eli and Papa are going to drop me off and head over to my parents house for the day. Then Papa will come back and get me and we'll spend the night with my Mom and Dad. We got the movie Fireproof to watch- it is very good- highly recommended!!
On an odd subject- Eli started climbing out of his crib about 4 months ago. I haven't slept much since. So...... I bought a crib tent. I remembered another adoptive mom from our agency talking about how it kept her climber in bed. I was so proud of myself!! I found it on EBay for $10!!...... almost 5 days before the bidding was over........ :0( But, I won!! My very first eBay attempt!
Only problem- Papa got quite firm with Eli a couple of weeks ago and said, "No more climbing out of the bed!!" I reaffirmed this when the two of us were here- and he stopped. Hasn't done it since.
SOOOO, the tent arrived this week. I wondered if I should even use it..... Then thought- it may give me just enough peace of mind that I'll be able to sleep again, knowing he's not out and loose in the house. (One morning, several weeks ago, he climbed quickly and quietly out of bed. All I heard was a little squeak of the mattress. I jumped up to get him, and by the time I got up there, he'd run into the bathroom already, had pulled the stool over and had the light on. He loves the water so much- I had visions of not waking up in time and finding him looking into the gates of heaven through the drain. Uuuuuggghhhhhh!!!! Soooo not a good feeling!!!!)
Back to the tent. I had an idea. Hoping it won't backfire on me.... I asked him if he wanted to help me open a present. (It was wrapped in brown paper) "WEll, Yeah!!!" he emphatically stated. So we opened it up. He saw the picture of the crib in the photo on the front of the box- wondered out loud if it was a new crib. I told him it was a new tent for the crib he already has, a tent like the one we saw at the beach when we were in St Croix. He's had such histrionics lately about the boogie man and during the summer it's about bees (or any flying critter- such as house flys, or even fruit flies). He becomes nearly panicked and takes forever to calm down to sleep.
So, I asked if he knew what the tent was for? He just looked at me- what? Keeping everything out of the crib that shouldn't be in it (it said so right on the package, with a cat walking across the tent......) and keeping everything inside that should be inside. SOoooo- the tent will keep out boogie men and bees- isn't that great?
At least he's accepted using it, somewhat. He helped me set it up- but he wants to be able to unzip it at will and still climb out- I told him you couldn't climb in or out unless Mama or Papa were there- doing it by himself would break the tent.
That led to making play tents tonight all over the house with old sheets and blankets. AAhhhh!!! let the fun times begin!!! I love the season of make believe we are entering- I love watching his imagination take off- and I love that he still wants me to be part of it with him.
OK- I am sooo rambling now- have to sleep....... Just wanted to check in and give an update on what's new in our lives.
Elisha's Gotcha day is March 15- we'll be celebrating by having him dedicated at our church. Once I get all the specific scriptures down that I want to use, I'll post them so you'all can see it, too, and share with us in this special time!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Yesterday was a rough day in our house- I've had a headache that has been so severe lately it brings tears to my eyes. Sunday night, Eli thought he must be scared of the Boogie Monster (who in the world told him about the Boogie Monster???) so he didn't go to sleep until about 10:30- after much rocking, back rubbing, singing, loving, praying, etc.
So, yesterday, he woke up in a crabby mood- most likely from lack of sleep. I'm afraid the whining voice just about did me in with my head hurting so bad. At one point, after a particularly long session of whining, I pulled him on my lap and said, "We're going to pray for Mommy's head, that Jesus will make Mommy feel better."
I've been trying to tell him lately that praying is as simple as talking to Mommy and Daddy. You just tell God what you are thinking and what ever is on your heart. He seems to be listening. We'll see if he gets it.
So, as I was rocking him before bed last night, he looks up at me, very seriously, and says, "Mama, hea till hurt?" as he reaches up and rubs his hands all through my hair. He's probably not used to my hair being down- but my head just hurt too bad to put it up yesterday. I told him yes, my head still hurt, and placed his little hand right over the right temporal region, above my right ear. "Right here is where it hurts."
He oh so gently placed both hands on my head and drew my head down toward him. And then he gently kissed my head, right on the spot where I showed him it hurt. He sat back down in my lap, looking so serious and sweetly at me. "Feel all bettah now, Mommy?" he quietly asked.
Choking back my tears at this sweetness and love my son was displaying, I said, "Yes, sweetheart, my head is starting to feel better. Thank you."
What an amazing moment- one I will treasure always.
Thank you, God, for filling our days with these whispers of Your love. Thank you for using our son to be Your hands and feet here on Earth to spread Your love to others. Thank you for blessing me with this sweetness on a day when I needed it so much. Let me be a sweetness to others in Your name, too.
So, yesterday, he woke up in a crabby mood- most likely from lack of sleep. I'm afraid the whining voice just about did me in with my head hurting so bad. At one point, after a particularly long session of whining, I pulled him on my lap and said, "We're going to pray for Mommy's head, that Jesus will make Mommy feel better."
I've been trying to tell him lately that praying is as simple as talking to Mommy and Daddy. You just tell God what you are thinking and what ever is on your heart. He seems to be listening. We'll see if he gets it.
So, as I was rocking him before bed last night, he looks up at me, very seriously, and says, "Mama, hea till hurt?" as he reaches up and rubs his hands all through my hair. He's probably not used to my hair being down- but my head just hurt too bad to put it up yesterday. I told him yes, my head still hurt, and placed his little hand right over the right temporal region, above my right ear. "Right here is where it hurts."
He oh so gently placed both hands on my head and drew my head down toward him. And then he gently kissed my head, right on the spot where I showed him it hurt. He sat back down in my lap, looking so serious and sweetly at me. "Feel all bettah now, Mommy?" he quietly asked.
Choking back my tears at this sweetness and love my son was displaying, I said, "Yes, sweetheart, my head is starting to feel better. Thank you."
What an amazing moment- one I will treasure always.
Thank you, God, for filling our days with these whispers of Your love. Thank you for using our son to be Your hands and feet here on Earth to spread Your love to others. Thank you for blessing me with this sweetness on a day when I needed it so much. Let me be a sweetness to others in Your name, too.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Vacation posting
I finally was able to start uploading pics from our vacation. I had started the blog post while we were still in St Croix- so you'll have to go back a couple of posts to see the pics. Hope to get the second half with a ton more pics posted tomorrow- but it'll be a few posts back, too.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Black eyes, bruises all around
I am so glad our post placement report was a few weeks ago!!!
I mentioned Eli smashing his face at the dentist's office in the last post. The night before, at small group, he tripped and fell and went face first into the couch in the basement. Then, on Wednesday he was helping Papa load firewood. He got a little wheelbarrow for his birthday last year and he loves to put a log in it and push it all over and finally end up at the wood shed, or in the house, and put the piece on the stack.
Well, yesterday morning, as Tim tells the tale, Eli was helping as usual. Only this time he decided he was going to help Papa throw the firewood into the back of the dump truck- several feet higher than his head. Tim caught him out of the corner of his eye with a log above his head as he tried, apparently, to reach the bed of the truck.
Unfortunately, he was also trying to walk across the pallet he was standing on, tripped and fell- face first onto the log he had just been carrying- hitting the other side of his face- black eye number two!! More like a clown face, I guess I should say- almost like little purple tear shaped marks just under both eyes.
He seems fine- none the worse for wear. He fell several times while we were in St Croix, so I told Tim I think he may be growing- and not used to his longer legs. This morning seemed to confirm my suspicions.
We were headed downstairs. He races up and down the steps all the time- with no problem!! Tim installed a handrail just for him, and he uses it. He's never had any problems. Until this morning....
I was loading firewood into the wood burner, having just left him as he was coming down the stairs. He was chatting away, when suddenly, I heard the sickening thuds and booms that signify something falling down the steps.... and then his crying. OH the sound that every parent abhors!! I jumped over the gate around the wood burner, racing around the futon and found him sitting all cockeyed about 2 steps from the bottom.
I scooped him up as he screamed and cried in my arms, thanking God he didn't seem to be badly injured, and I held him for a moment and then began assessing damage. His face- the same spot he hit the firewood with yesterday!!- was all red again- where he hit it as he fell- this time quite an angry mark- but no blood :0) All fingers and toes and joints worked just fine and within minutes, he was pointing at the steps scolding them for causing his fall.
At his bath tonight, I discovered a pretty good knot and bruise on his little shin and a small bruise on his back. I am so thankful that all he has are a few bruises. He now emphatically says every time he successfully makes it up the stairs- that he didn't fall this time :0)
We finally got out the door this morning to go to the Library and grocery shopping- ending at the pet store to get a new algae eater for our fish tank. As we came out of the pet store, I was carrying him and told him to hide his face in my neck to escape the bitingly cold wind. He suddenly threw out both hands and yelled, "Top wind!!" I had to laugh- this is exactly what Jesus said to the winds and waves when he and the disciples got caught in the storm on the boat- "Stop wind!! Peace, be still..." and our son is using this story he's already let sink into his heart. He was commanding the wind to stop blowing.
Father, may all the stories in the Bible come alive for our son, may Your word sink deep in his heart and may he fall completely in love with you and have the relationship You desire with him. Thank you for watching over our son and giving him into our care. Thank you for continually making us into the parents You would have us to be.
I mentioned Eli smashing his face at the dentist's office in the last post. The night before, at small group, he tripped and fell and went face first into the couch in the basement. Then, on Wednesday he was helping Papa load firewood. He got a little wheelbarrow for his birthday last year and he loves to put a log in it and push it all over and finally end up at the wood shed, or in the house, and put the piece on the stack.
Well, yesterday morning, as Tim tells the tale, Eli was helping as usual. Only this time he decided he was going to help Papa throw the firewood into the back of the dump truck- several feet higher than his head. Tim caught him out of the corner of his eye with a log above his head as he tried, apparently, to reach the bed of the truck.
Unfortunately, he was also trying to walk across the pallet he was standing on, tripped and fell- face first onto the log he had just been carrying- hitting the other side of his face- black eye number two!! More like a clown face, I guess I should say- almost like little purple tear shaped marks just under both eyes.
He seems fine- none the worse for wear. He fell several times while we were in St Croix, so I told Tim I think he may be growing- and not used to his longer legs. This morning seemed to confirm my suspicions.
We were headed downstairs. He races up and down the steps all the time- with no problem!! Tim installed a handrail just for him, and he uses it. He's never had any problems. Until this morning....
I was loading firewood into the wood burner, having just left him as he was coming down the stairs. He was chatting away, when suddenly, I heard the sickening thuds and booms that signify something falling down the steps.... and then his crying. OH the sound that every parent abhors!! I jumped over the gate around the wood burner, racing around the futon and found him sitting all cockeyed about 2 steps from the bottom.
I scooped him up as he screamed and cried in my arms, thanking God he didn't seem to be badly injured, and I held him for a moment and then began assessing damage. His face- the same spot he hit the firewood with yesterday!!- was all red again- where he hit it as he fell- this time quite an angry mark- but no blood :0) All fingers and toes and joints worked just fine and within minutes, he was pointing at the steps scolding them for causing his fall.
At his bath tonight, I discovered a pretty good knot and bruise on his little shin and a small bruise on his back. I am so thankful that all he has are a few bruises. He now emphatically says every time he successfully makes it up the stairs- that he didn't fall this time :0)
We finally got out the door this morning to go to the Library and grocery shopping- ending at the pet store to get a new algae eater for our fish tank. As we came out of the pet store, I was carrying him and told him to hide his face in my neck to escape the bitingly cold wind. He suddenly threw out both hands and yelled, "Top wind!!" I had to laugh- this is exactly what Jesus said to the winds and waves when he and the disciples got caught in the storm on the boat- "Stop wind!! Peace, be still..." and our son is using this story he's already let sink into his heart. He was commanding the wind to stop blowing.
Father, may all the stories in the Bible come alive for our son, may Your word sink deep in his heart and may he fall completely in love with you and have the relationship You desire with him. Thank you for watching over our son and giving him into our care. Thank you for continually making us into the parents You would have us to be.
First Dental procedure
Elisha had a 2 year molar that hadn't formed properly as an infant. The back of the tooth was "open" without enamel, and had turned black. His first visit with the pediatric dentist for a check up on that tooth was a few weeks ago, and on Tuesday, we went back to have the tooth filled.
We chose to give him a small sedative to relax him for the procedure, rather than having him put completely under. So, Tuesday morning, I gave him his dose of Valium. He drank the bitter potion down, making a face, but finishing it off as I prompted him. I turned to the counter for a minute, and when I turned back, he was already quite relaxed, kinda staring off into space.
I gently gathered him in my arms and carried him to the couch and tucked him in with a blanket there. He was really groggy. Tim got home from work and came over and looked at him, listening to his slightly slurred speech. I felt terrible that we had to do this, but he hasn't had very many bad effects from it.
When we got to the dentist's office, Elisha told Tim he wanted to get down and play with the toys. (It is a great office and the waiting room was designed with tots in mind!!) So, Eli scooted off Tim's lap and began crossing the room. Unfortunately, his bottom half didn't keep up with his top half and after only a couple steps, he took a nose dive into the hard baseball glove shaped chair. Black eye number one!!
He did fabulously in the office- went right into the room and only had a little bit of angst that he had to lay down in the chair. The dentist told us she was really pleased and he did much better than most children his age. He was such a trouper!! Tim has some pics on his phone, I'll post them soon. We were so proud of him!! And the dentist did such a great job, too!! The tooth looks amazing- you would never be able to tell he'd had anything done :0)
We chose to give him a small sedative to relax him for the procedure, rather than having him put completely under. So, Tuesday morning, I gave him his dose of Valium. He drank the bitter potion down, making a face, but finishing it off as I prompted him. I turned to the counter for a minute, and when I turned back, he was already quite relaxed, kinda staring off into space.
I gently gathered him in my arms and carried him to the couch and tucked him in with a blanket there. He was really groggy. Tim got home from work and came over and looked at him, listening to his slightly slurred speech. I felt terrible that we had to do this, but he hasn't had very many bad effects from it.
When we got to the dentist's office, Elisha told Tim he wanted to get down and play with the toys. (It is a great office and the waiting room was designed with tots in mind!!) So, Eli scooted off Tim's lap and began crossing the room. Unfortunately, his bottom half didn't keep up with his top half and after only a couple steps, he took a nose dive into the hard baseball glove shaped chair. Black eye number one!!
He did fabulously in the office- went right into the room and only had a little bit of angst that he had to lay down in the chair. The dentist told us she was really pleased and he did much better than most children his age. He was such a trouper!! Tim has some pics on his phone, I'll post them soon. We were so proud of him!! And the dentist did such a great job, too!! The tooth looks amazing- you would never be able to tell he'd had anything done :0)
vacation and trip home
On the day we went for our walk, Eli was standing by the gateway leading to our resort- doesn't he look like a great tour guide? :0)
So you see.....
I mentioned in the last post about the screened in porch being one of my favorite places. I love to hang out there. This time, our time share building is under construction, so we were in the other luxury buildings. This one was right on the water. From inside our building, it looked as if we were on a cruise. All you could see out the one window was the ocean.
Elisha and I loved to hang out here. There was a constant breeze from the water, and it was so incredibly peaceful- and bug free :0)
We really enjoyed watching the waves come in, the birds hovering over the water and a few boats passing off shore. The water lapping on the shore was mesmerizing!!
This was looking down from our window- we were only about 30 feet or less from the water
Looking out the other direction, we could see where the cove juts around on the other side- where the swimming beach was, around the rest of the range and all the way out to the tip where the light house sits.
The sunsets were so pretty, watching the sun reflect off the water and waves...
The view between the buildings as we walked around...
Coming around the corner to the main part of the resort- first glimpse of the beach. Breathtaking, isn't it? I can almost feel the salty breeze loosening my ponytail....
Looking back to the area in front of the bungalows we stayed in this time- the volcanic coral is so beautiful!!
Ahhhh- on the beach- the palm fronds swaying in the breeze, the ocean waves crashing on the shore, birds twittering, the sun shining down. Is it any wonder we love this place so much? Great place to refuel!!
The swimming area of the beach. The sand is so soft and clean here. And the beach is rarely ever crowded, as you can see......
Majestic, isn't it?
And so the sun sets on our 2009 trip to St Croix.....
Friday night we went out for our first meal in the restaurant. We had prepared and eaten the rest in the bungalow. The Pirate's buffet is quite the grand affair. Much scaled down from when we first went there, but delightful, none-the-less!!
We got great seats and got there early enough that we were able to eat right away and not have huge lines. The one day at the beach a little sand crab came over and sat very close, observing us as closely as we were observing it. Eli was suddenly attached to my body, but from the safe confines of my arms was able to somewhat enjoy seeing this creature up close. It was, therefore, with a little trepidation that I brought back the half of the crab with the long legs to the table at the restaurant. I was concerned he might be afraid of them.
Boy was I surprised! I took the first leg and broke it open. The meat came right out!! I dipped it in the butter sauce and he gobbled it up and picked up the pliers they had at each table and tried cracking his own crab legs!! He also loved the shrimp. And the "hot" catchup- the shrimp sauce.
He tried a little of everything, but kept coming back to the crab legs and shrimp- the cheese cake was pretty convincing for him, too..... We finished a little early, but wanted to stay for the show- the Macko-Jumbie were to come and perform. So, I whipped out my Mommy bag stuff I had brought with us. We colored, read a book, spoke some spanish to the folks seated behind him- "hola" he was saying to them.... and then I got out Gabby, his phone.
Here he is having a conversation with his phone....
We saw our friends, Chris and Angela, who invited us to join them so we could see the Macko Jumbie better. They are the guys that dress up in costume and come out on really high stilts. Well, the first came out. He was already past tired- the entertainment started after 9..... so when he saw this black and white character, he freaked out. Tim was holding him and he burrowed his head into Tim's shoulder. I asked him if he was OK and he scrambled onto my lap.
The next Macko Jumbie dancer came out. I had been whispering into Eli's ear that they were just men like Papa dressed up and on high sticks. He began looking at Tim and then at the MJ's- then he pointed at them and said- Papa??? Noo, honey- just men dressed up- men like Papa....
Chris gave Eli a handful of dollars to give to the MJ. I scooped him up to take him out. He was trying to give the money to whomever would take it- finally we got out on the floor with the 3rd dancer- Eli gave him the money, and he stepped right over our heads!! Eli got into it after that- as long as his arm was around my neck.....
We left that night a little after 10- and Elisha was sooo very tired..... and wired..... we walked down by the swimming pool. I knew from previous years that that is where they go to remove the costumes. I thought it might help if he could see them without their masks on. He seemed to enjoy seeing them.
So, now he skips across the room and holds his little leg up in a great imitation of the MJ's. I pretend I'm giving him money- and he pretends to stuff it up his sleeve- just like they did. Our son is sooo observant!! So, after a lot of dancing around, lifting his leg up in the air, and reviewing all that had happened, we put Eli down.
He almost immediately fell asleep. This is a picture of nap time. He slept soo well while we were here- probably all the fresh air and sunshine :0) You can see he didn't move....Ahhh the blissfully innocent sleep of our children....
Here we are, checked out, packed an ready to go home- our family photo on the beach :0)
Eli fell asleep as we were headed to the airport. The carseat allowed us to use the car's seatbelt- here I tucked a diaper in- his head had been hanging on the seatbelt- we figured it couldn't be comfortable- suppose he'll ever forgive me for putting this up on the blog..... :0)
We got to the airport and went through security. At the final checkpoint, as our bags are going through the scanner, I was ready to carry Eli through. They asked me to put him down and let him walk. So, boarding pass securely in hand, he walked boldly through the big person screener, and when the security guard held out her hand for his boarding pass, he quickly.... gave her five!!! She laughed- then we laughed, too. It was very humorous, but one never laughs at the airport anymore.....
He was very good for the 2 hours we spent in the "holding tank" waiting for our plane boarding. Tim got him all set up- Elmo on the computer, with his new Fisher-Price headphones. We had him straped into his stroller, pushed up to the chair- computer on the chair, headphones on the head- it kept him entertained for almost 30 minutes. He stayed awake for the whole first flight, and was quite hyper for the layover we had in Miami. We walked and ran all over the place trying to get out excess steam.
The next flight left at 9pm. He was asleep soon after getting up in the air. I haven't mentioned so far that I strained my back that day at the beach, digging out sand for the baby pool. My sciatic nerve was killing me- but oh how precious to hold my little guy for such a long time. It was a very uncomfortable journey hip and leg-wise, but my heart sure got it's fill with him resting so securely in my arms.
We arrived at the airport in Columbus about midnight. He woke up when we landed. I got him in the stroller and we made our way up to get the luggage. I had to pee soo bad and I wanted to give him the opportunity to pee and change his diaper. When we got into the rest room, the handicap stall was at the far end- and was as big as a stable stall- but the door was broken- the seat was all the way around the corner and no one was in the airport, so I wheeled him around to the door, left him straped in and went first.
In his half asleep state, I thought nothing of him sitting there. Until he said, "Mommy, where your peni?" Ahh, the things kids say. I laughed so hard. "Honey," I said," only Papa's and Eli's have a penis- Mommys don't have a penis." He looked so sad for me, I had to fight the laughter.
I was so thankful he fell asleep on the way home and was out as we put him in bed. He slept until about 8 the next morning, and when I went up to get him out of his crib, he said, "Mommy, more hotel??" Yes, buddy- it was pretty nice there, wasn't it?
Thank you, God, for time away from our normal lives. Times of refreshing and different perspectives. Times to see more of your beautiful creation. May we always learn more about you!!

I mentioned in the last post about the screened in porch being one of my favorite places. I love to hang out there. This time, our time share building is under construction, so we were in the other luxury buildings. This one was right on the water. From inside our building, it looked as if we were on a cruise. All you could see out the one window was the ocean.












Friday night we went out for our first meal in the restaurant. We had prepared and eaten the rest in the bungalow. The Pirate's buffet is quite the grand affair. Much scaled down from when we first went there, but delightful, none-the-less!!
We got great seats and got there early enough that we were able to eat right away and not have huge lines. The one day at the beach a little sand crab came over and sat very close, observing us as closely as we were observing it. Eli was suddenly attached to my body, but from the safe confines of my arms was able to somewhat enjoy seeing this creature up close. It was, therefore, with a little trepidation that I brought back the half of the crab with the long legs to the table at the restaurant. I was concerned he might be afraid of them.
Boy was I surprised! I took the first leg and broke it open. The meat came right out!! I dipped it in the butter sauce and he gobbled it up and picked up the pliers they had at each table and tried cracking his own crab legs!! He also loved the shrimp. And the "hot" catchup- the shrimp sauce.
He tried a little of everything, but kept coming back to the crab legs and shrimp- the cheese cake was pretty convincing for him, too..... We finished a little early, but wanted to stay for the show- the Macko-Jumbie were to come and perform. So, I whipped out my Mommy bag stuff I had brought with us. We colored, read a book, spoke some spanish to the folks seated behind him- "hola" he was saying to them.... and then I got out Gabby, his phone.

We saw our friends, Chris and Angela, who invited us to join them so we could see the Macko Jumbie better. They are the guys that dress up in costume and come out on really high stilts. Well, the first came out. He was already past tired- the entertainment started after 9..... so when he saw this black and white character, he freaked out. Tim was holding him and he burrowed his head into Tim's shoulder. I asked him if he was OK and he scrambled onto my lap.
The next Macko Jumbie dancer came out. I had been whispering into Eli's ear that they were just men like Papa dressed up and on high sticks. He began looking at Tim and then at the MJ's- then he pointed at them and said- Papa??? Noo, honey- just men dressed up- men like Papa....
Chris gave Eli a handful of dollars to give to the MJ. I scooped him up to take him out. He was trying to give the money to whomever would take it- finally we got out on the floor with the 3rd dancer- Eli gave him the money, and he stepped right over our heads!! Eli got into it after that- as long as his arm was around my neck.....
We left that night a little after 10- and Elisha was sooo very tired..... and wired..... we walked down by the swimming pool. I knew from previous years that that is where they go to remove the costumes. I thought it might help if he could see them without their masks on. He seemed to enjoy seeing them.
So, now he skips across the room and holds his little leg up in a great imitation of the MJ's. I pretend I'm giving him money- and he pretends to stuff it up his sleeve- just like they did. Our son is sooo observant!! So, after a lot of dancing around, lifting his leg up in the air, and reviewing all that had happened, we put Eli down.



We got to the airport and went through security. At the final checkpoint, as our bags are going through the scanner, I was ready to carry Eli through. They asked me to put him down and let him walk. So, boarding pass securely in hand, he walked boldly through the big person screener, and when the security guard held out her hand for his boarding pass, he quickly.... gave her five!!! She laughed- then we laughed, too. It was very humorous, but one never laughs at the airport anymore.....
He was very good for the 2 hours we spent in the "holding tank" waiting for our plane boarding. Tim got him all set up- Elmo on the computer, with his new Fisher-Price headphones. We had him straped into his stroller, pushed up to the chair- computer on the chair, headphones on the head- it kept him entertained for almost 30 minutes. He stayed awake for the whole first flight, and was quite hyper for the layover we had in Miami. We walked and ran all over the place trying to get out excess steam.
The next flight left at 9pm. He was asleep soon after getting up in the air. I haven't mentioned so far that I strained my back that day at the beach, digging out sand for the baby pool. My sciatic nerve was killing me- but oh how precious to hold my little guy for such a long time. It was a very uncomfortable journey hip and leg-wise, but my heart sure got it's fill with him resting so securely in my arms.
We arrived at the airport in Columbus about midnight. He woke up when we landed. I got him in the stroller and we made our way up to get the luggage. I had to pee soo bad and I wanted to give him the opportunity to pee and change his diaper. When we got into the rest room, the handicap stall was at the far end- and was as big as a stable stall- but the door was broken- the seat was all the way around the corner and no one was in the airport, so I wheeled him around to the door, left him straped in and went first.
In his half asleep state, I thought nothing of him sitting there. Until he said, "Mommy, where your peni?" Ahh, the things kids say. I laughed so hard. "Honey," I said," only Papa's and Eli's have a penis- Mommys don't have a penis." He looked so sad for me, I had to fight the laughter.
I was so thankful he fell asleep on the way home and was out as we put him in bed. He slept until about 8 the next morning, and when I went up to get him out of his crib, he said, "Mommy, more hotel??" Yes, buddy- it was pretty nice there, wasn't it?
Thank you, God, for time away from our normal lives. Times of refreshing and different perspectives. Times to see more of your beautiful creation. May we always learn more about you!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Vacation pics- part 1
Friday afternoon we headed out to our attorney's office to sign our final paperwork to obtain Elisha's Ohio birth certificate. What fun Eli had!! Our attorney's 2nd daughter, also foreignly adopted, took Eli under her wing. She wanted to take him up to the room she had upstairs and show him her toys. She ended up happy to share her "flap-books" with him.
They were so precious sitting at the end of the table as we signed the paperwork. She was playing with his Barney lap top computer, he with her camera and flap books. She told us we should take a couple of flap books with us so Eli could play with them on the plane. Nothing like flap books!!
We got home and finished packing- here we have Tim and Eli- he all ready to go, wearing his goggles on his head....
We drove up to the Marriott next to the airport for our park n fly accommodations that evening. I had forgotten the wonder and magic of staying in a hotel for a child. After being in a hotel for a month last year, Tim and I have lost just about all luster for them. Not Eli!!
He ran all over the room- Mommy- look- Eli's toilet- Mommy look- Eli's bathtub- Papa look- Eli's bed- and on it went, him racing all over, out of breath from excitement. The only way I could get him to calm down for a moment, was to convince him to come get his swimming suit on so we could go to the pool. That brought about a whole new level of excitement.
The pool was great- Eli loved it- the hot tub was really nice- Mama and Papa loved it!! :0)
We all went to sleep and slept pretty well, and with our early morning wake up, got our trip started bright and early. Good thing, we were later to find out....
We got to the airport and got all checked in with our checked bags. We went through the line, since there weren't any places open yet for breakfast. They actually had a "family line" we were able to go through so we didn't have to stand in line as long. But when we got to the front, they told us there must have been a glitch in the computer, everyone on our flight came back for the additional screening.
So, all our stuff had to be opened and looked at first, then put on the scanner. While that was going through, we stood in the little glass pen, and when they called us we exited. Eli and Tim got checked by a man, me by a lady. It was quite a sight to see my 2 year old son with legs spread wide while the security guard frisked him. He was so good!! I was so proud of him.
Our travels went well, the back of the seat travel companion my sister-in-law gave Eli for his birthday was a great hit. It is a pocketed piece of fabric that hangs over the back of the seat in front of you with pockets and snaps so we can put snacks and games within easy reach of Eli as we are flying. It covers the tray- so no flipping the tray up and down :0) The stewardess was so impressed with it, she came back and took a pic of it and is ordering some from Paula for her little ambassador's program.
We arrived in St Croix around 5 and waited for over an hour for our car. Big turnover and several folks all there at the same time. But we got an upgrade :0) Very nice :0D
Stopping at the grocery store first gave us enough groceries to just settle in and relax when we got there- me getting dinner ready while Tim waited with the bell man to bring over our luggage.
We settled in well that night- the crib Eli had was a lot nicer than the one we had back in October. The next morning we headed down to the beach......Here Elisha is all greased up and ready to go.....
We had a great time at the beach, enjoying the warm weather and being back in one of our favorite vacation places.
We moved into a different bungalow the second day. The first had only one half of the screened in porch open- and since they had another unit available with the whole porch open- we moved. It is one of my favorite places to be!! The new unit was right on the water..... amazing!! I'll put pics in the next post.
We went to the pool, also. Here was a caterpillar we found while there. He was there every time we went- must be a poolbum bug..... :0D
This is the pool area- Tim and I never spent much time here before- the beach was just too inviting, but Eli really loved this area!!
I have to laugh- Eli spent a long time just climbing in and out of the pool. Reminds me of Christopher Robin's song "Halfway up the stairs." I took pics as fast as my camera would allow- you see him going in, coming out and then racing towards me.....




We did get some beach time in, yeah!!! Eli loved digging in the sand. The first day, Tim started a baby pool- he dug out a lot, when the surf came in and filled it- we had our own little pool. I was helping to dig it out and keep it about 6-10 inches deep as the waves kept coming in, keeping it full.
Eli and I went out, talking to Angela, a young woman we met. We were in water about to my waist, enjoying the beautiful day. I looked up and saw a wave coming that was going to crest at least 4 feet or more over my head. I was afraid Eli would be terrified if he saw it coming. I said, very calmly- Eli- look at Papa- who was behind us on the shore.
I debated if I should jump into the wave, or try to hold my ground. I ended up digging in, knowing I'd never make it without my arms to help me stay up- they were wrapped as tightly as they would go around Eli. The wave knocked us back about 10 feet or so and then was followed by another, almost as big.
That was enough serf for Eli. He was quite content to just stay on the shore and play in the sand after that. Amazing all the scenarios the brain can play out in a mere fraction of a second, isn't it?
We would go out a little ways to "wash" the sand off our bodies before we headed back in. I called it the "big washing machine" and we would go up and down and twirl around to rinse off- He liked the "little washing machine" the fresh water shower we could rinse off at over on the edge of the beach.
Here he is splashing in the "kiddy pool" we made for him close to the surf. He even got down and was kicking in the water (notice the sand all over the front of his shirt......)
He was adding sand almost as quickly as we could scoop it out- having a blast stomping on anything we tried to build. I can see how frustrating a 2 year old younger sibling would be to a slightly older child. We just enjoyed his antics.....
Then we made a car all around him in the sand. Here he is pointing out that we need headlights on the car.
Here he is out for a lovely Sunday drive- notice the great windshield.....
Someone with great talent left this on the beach from the night before!! Isn't it amazing? Look closely- it's a big beached sun bathing dinosaur!!
I see so much of why it is important for little boys to have a Papa or great man in their lives. They model how to be great men, for one, but they also push our little boys to be all they can, to push beyond the fear- suck it up and keep on going. This was greatly demonstrated and caught on film as we had Eli at the pool. I wanted him to jump to me. He wanted me to hold him as he jumped.
Mommy hold me......
I was practicing holding lightly..... :0D
And then he kicked and swam and had a blast. We did this all morning one day when Tim went diving with some friends we had just met here. The pool lounger foamies were great flotation devices- he'd hold onto the end and kick all around the pool with us next to him- making it "rain" on us as he practiced kicking- and blowing bubbles. Basically having a blast!!!
Here is Tim, enjoying the bottom of the sea... he met some great folks, got lots of great pics and had a great time there, too!!
So, back to my point about the Men making men of our boys..... We went swimming with Papa the next day. He was jumping off the steps- yes, the same ones he had been playing on for so long the other day. He thought it was great fun to make as big a splash as possible as he was jumping to us- from only one or two steps into the water- not a very big jump....
Notice the big splash preceding him to Papa....
So, Papa takes him over to the side and tells him to jump. I'm being totally the mother hen and saying- he likes you to hold him when he jumps in...... Tim just says- Elisha, jump- I'll catch you. And, after counting to 3 several times..... You see him jumping into Tim's arms in the pool. I was so proud of them both!!
The next set of pics I call the lesson. Tim was showing Eli how to put on his mask and snorkel.
Here they are rinsing off their gear in the water.

Draining the water- Eli is getting ahead of the teacher- already trying out the snorkel.
Our budding saxophone player..... He got some pretty cool tunes out of it.... hehe
He had Elisha's complete attention as he demonstrated how everything works...

I love this pic!!


Here goes the mask...
I think it is totally unnatural for children to breath through their mouth- must be why most kids get the plain swimming glasses- with the nose open.

He got tired of the lesson pretty quickly- but I was so glad he listened well and showed an interest. Soon enough he'll be wanting to go out and snorkel on his own. I'm treasuring and pondering so much already in my heart- I'm loving watching as he is learning so much.
The hammocks sprinkled all around the resort are great. Eli and I rested a few times in them- he called it Kittycat naps.....
He loved to push the glasses back onto his face by pushing the lenses. We had a hard time keeping them so you could see through them..
They offer Rum punch every afternoon at the front desk. Now before any think I'd give Eli alcohol- NOT- the punch was very good though- lots of different fruits in it, and he loved the little straws :0)
On the 12th, we celebrated our 9th anniversary- the start of our first 10 years together. WOW- a decade. How the love grows. We all went for a walk around the resort, taking pictures and enjoying the sun and warmth since we were heading back on Valentine's Day.
Tim captured us as we stood near the edge of the road, overlooking our secluded resort area. It was sooo beautiful that day. Well, just about every day is like that....
Here we are walking just in front of Tim as we traveled up the road....
Hand in hand, looking out over the ocean, the beach and the buildings we were temporarily calling home.
Eli loved everyone and was loved by everyone. He would say, "Hi!!" and wave to all the other resort people, give the workers a thumbs up and tell them, "Good job!!" They all would light up as they would see him coming.
Such a great time!!
They were so precious sitting at the end of the table as we signed the paperwork. She was playing with his Barney lap top computer, he with her camera and flap books. She told us we should take a couple of flap books with us so Eli could play with them on the plane. Nothing like flap books!!
We got home and finished packing- here we have Tim and Eli- he all ready to go, wearing his goggles on his head....

He ran all over the room- Mommy- look- Eli's toilet- Mommy look- Eli's bathtub- Papa look- Eli's bed- and on it went, him racing all over, out of breath from excitement. The only way I could get him to calm down for a moment, was to convince him to come get his swimming suit on so we could go to the pool. That brought about a whole new level of excitement.
The pool was great- Eli loved it- the hot tub was really nice- Mama and Papa loved it!! :0)
We all went to sleep and slept pretty well, and with our early morning wake up, got our trip started bright and early. Good thing, we were later to find out....
We got to the airport and got all checked in with our checked bags. We went through the line, since there weren't any places open yet for breakfast. They actually had a "family line" we were able to go through so we didn't have to stand in line as long. But when we got to the front, they told us there must have been a glitch in the computer, everyone on our flight came back for the additional screening.
So, all our stuff had to be opened and looked at first, then put on the scanner. While that was going through, we stood in the little glass pen, and when they called us we exited. Eli and Tim got checked by a man, me by a lady. It was quite a sight to see my 2 year old son with legs spread wide while the security guard frisked him. He was so good!! I was so proud of him.
Our travels went well, the back of the seat travel companion my sister-in-law gave Eli for his birthday was a great hit. It is a pocketed piece of fabric that hangs over the back of the seat in front of you with pockets and snaps so we can put snacks and games within easy reach of Eli as we are flying. It covers the tray- so no flipping the tray up and down :0) The stewardess was so impressed with it, she came back and took a pic of it and is ordering some from Paula for her little ambassador's program.
We arrived in St Croix around 5 and waited for over an hour for our car. Big turnover and several folks all there at the same time. But we got an upgrade :0) Very nice :0D
Stopping at the grocery store first gave us enough groceries to just settle in and relax when we got there- me getting dinner ready while Tim waited with the bell man to bring over our luggage.
We settled in well that night- the crib Eli had was a lot nicer than the one we had back in October. The next morning we headed down to the beach......Here Elisha is all greased up and ready to go.....

We moved into a different bungalow the second day. The first had only one half of the screened in porch open- and since they had another unit available with the whole porch open- we moved. It is one of my favorite places to be!! The new unit was right on the water..... amazing!! I'll put pics in the next post.
We went to the pool, also. Here was a caterpillar we found while there. He was there every time we went- must be a poolbum bug..... :0D







Eli and I went out, talking to Angela, a young woman we met. We were in water about to my waist, enjoying the beautiful day. I looked up and saw a wave coming that was going to crest at least 4 feet or more over my head. I was afraid Eli would be terrified if he saw it coming. I said, very calmly- Eli- look at Papa- who was behind us on the shore.
I debated if I should jump into the wave, or try to hold my ground. I ended up digging in, knowing I'd never make it without my arms to help me stay up- they were wrapped as tightly as they would go around Eli. The wave knocked us back about 10 feet or so and then was followed by another, almost as big.
That was enough serf for Eli. He was quite content to just stay on the shore and play in the sand after that. Amazing all the scenarios the brain can play out in a mere fraction of a second, isn't it?
We would go out a little ways to "wash" the sand off our bodies before we headed back in. I called it the "big washing machine" and we would go up and down and twirl around to rinse off- He liked the "little washing machine" the fresh water shower we could rinse off at over on the edge of the beach.





I see so much of why it is important for little boys to have a Papa or great man in their lives. They model how to be great men, for one, but they also push our little boys to be all they can, to push beyond the fear- suck it up and keep on going. This was greatly demonstrated and caught on film as we had Eli at the pool. I wanted him to jump to me. He wanted me to hold him as he jumped.



So, back to my point about the Men making men of our boys..... We went swimming with Papa the next day. He was jumping off the steps- yes, the same ones he had been playing on for so long the other day. He thought it was great fun to make as big a splash as possible as he was jumping to us- from only one or two steps into the water- not a very big jump....


The next set of pics I call the lesson. Tim was showing Eli how to put on his mask and snorkel.


Draining the water- Eli is getting ahead of the teacher- already trying out the snorkel.






Here goes the mask...


He got tired of the lesson pretty quickly- but I was so glad he listened well and showed an interest. Soon enough he'll be wanting to go out and snorkel on his own. I'm treasuring and pondering so much already in my heart- I'm loving watching as he is learning so much.
The hammocks sprinkled all around the resort are great. Eli and I rested a few times in them- he called it Kittycat naps.....


On the 12th, we celebrated our 9th anniversary- the start of our first 10 years together. WOW- a decade. How the love grows. We all went for a walk around the resort, taking pictures and enjoying the sun and warmth since we were heading back on Valentine's Day.



Eli loved everyone and was loved by everyone. He would say, "Hi!!" and wave to all the other resort people, give the workers a thumbs up and tell them, "Good job!!" They all would light up as they would see him coming.
Such a great time!!
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