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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Praying with faith like a child

Being a mom, going through the adoptive process, watching daily as Eli grows and learns new things- it brings me to my knees as I develop a deeper understanding of what I have been reading in the Bible since I was a child. Oh how great and broad and deep is the love that God has for us!!

We are hosting a family tonight and tomorrow night that are in town for an extreme event. I wish I had more details, but I have been sick again- (yuck!!) and pretty out of what doesn't require immediate attention. (Good news is- I have a date set- Dec 30th to get my tonsils out!!! Yeah!!)

So, Eli and I have been trying to put the finishing touches on cleaning up the house and getting it ready for this family. After we got the sheets on the spare bed (futon, really) in the basement, we paused for a moment. I held him close and asked if he'd like to pray with me that this family coming tonight would sleep well. They have a 2 year old and 4 year old- and I know that sometimes sleep is not the best in a new environment.

So, we prayed, and then continued making up the bed.

As I was upstairs, taking the bread out of the oven, Eli was still in the basement. He wanted to dust some more :) *grin*- if only I can keep this attitude for the next, oh 20 years or so.... :) As I was upstairs, setting out the bread, I hear his little voice downstairs, talking to God- praying for Rob Jr and Olivia that they will sleep all night long when they come tonight. Thank you, God, that sometimes he really does seem to get it~!!!!! I keep praying he draws closer and closer to you!!

He really holds me to his prayers, too! My toe is still a little sore, nothing like it was-but still a little stiff. The bruising is finally gone- but I am very protective of it. When he comes bouncing near, I ask him to please be careful of my sore toe.

"Ah, Mommy, God is already healing it!!"

I offered him a bandaid the other day, after a little mishap outside on the gravel. He said, "No thank you, Mommy. God will put one on it while I sleep tonight."

We have been calling scabs God's bandaid. It is so amazing to hear him talk to me about God the healer, and so sweet to have him ask me if he can pray for me or Papa when we have a headache or an owie.

Thank you, God, for these tenderly sweet lessons I am learning from my son- for increasing my faith and showing me so many new facets of yourself!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Parenting Foibles

Eli is growing up. He has skipped his nap more frequently lately :( Which tends toward more behavioral issues later in the day as he is totally spent. I watch his eyes struggle to stay open- but he reminds me of myself when I was younger, trying soo hard to stay up on New Year's Eve to bring in the new year, fighting sleep with all I had in me.

Today he was in his crib for a little over an hour for his nap. I had gone up several times to try to get him to lay still long enough to fall asleep. Tim had a great idea of telling him he couldn't go to the birthday party we were planning on going to tonight unless he slept.

So, when I came back inside after a few minutes and he was standing in his crib, I walked in and told him he needed to lay down right away and go to sleep or he wouldn't be able to go to the party. He immediately began scrambling out of the crib.

"OK, Mommy. It is waking up time now. I will go to bed early tonight. And I will go to Lauren's party next time."

Oh my!! It totally backfired on me!! So now, not only does he not get a nap- I now can't go to my nieces 16th birthday party because of trying to coerce my 3 year old to take a nap. Bummer. It is hard to stick with your guns, isn't it?

He got a swat on his little behind tonight for not listening. As we were praying together after we talked about why he got in trouble, he said, "Dear God- please help Mommy stop 'maken my butt." Ahhh.....

On a much happier and sweeter note- I almost broke my toe about 3 months ago. It was just beginning to heal- in fact- I think it was the first day I had not wrapped it in over a month. But, as I was running into the house to get some painting supplies for a door on the garage I was working on, I slipped on a puddle of water in the garage and re injured the same toe!! It looks much worse now- purple and lots of different shades of red and blue.

Well, that night as I was getting Eli ready to be tucked in bed, he was dancing all around me as I sat on the rocker. I asked him to be careful as I had hurt my toe again. He asked if he could pray for my toe? Sure, I told him.

So, he leaned against me and bowed his head, folded his hands and said, "Dear God, please help Mommy's toe feel all better. In Jelas name, Amen.... Mommy can I put my hand on your toe and pray for it?"

Sure I told him.

So he leaned down and put his little hands on my sore toe ever so gently and prayed again, "Dear God, thank you for making Mommy's toe feel all better. In Jelas name, Amen."

"Does it feel all better now Mommy? Don't worry, God is healing it."

If only I could reconcile the angry, bitter little boy when he receives correction from me lately with this incredibly kind and compassionate child. Thank you, God, for giving wisdom when we most need it. Your ways are incredibly higher than ours- and I pray for your insight in how to deal with our son to raise him in relationship with you. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!!