Tim had to work that day, but the rest of the kids and family were able to be there. And then, after the food, the fun and the fellowship..... Santa arrived!! Eli was so excited!! Even more so, when Santa called out Eli's name first!!
He scrambled up on Santa's lap and began talking a mile a minute. I heard him saying something about how he saw Santa on Caillou.
Santa gave him his present- how amazing that he seems to be able to do that all the time- find just the right gift!! Eli and I think he must talk to Jesus, too, to be able to find out what we have been asking for. He got a really cool VTECH toy that teaches how to write letters, numbers and small words.
When Santa asked Eli what he wanted for Christmas, I almost jumped up and down clapping my hands. He said, "I want a camera. A real one, like Mommy's that takes pictures." Isn't it wonderful to know that the present you purchased and have wrapped under the tree is just what your child is requesting- before they even tell you?
It was pretty exciting to have Eli's cousins there, as well.
And here is Wesley. I think he was getting a little nervous- Santa saw several kids left and his bag looked pretty empty- he mentioned coal..... But all was not lost- and Wesley breathed a sigh of relief as he perched on Santa's lap and received his gift.
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