Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 8, 2008

This is not Russia anymore Toto!

This is us enjoying our first Animal Park adventure. Tim and I spent some time with Tim's sister's children enjoying the heat- or beating it.......

Elisha finally got the hang of running through the waterfall- but when he got control of the big hose hooked to the yard hydrant- look out!! Tim and I are sitting here in tears watching the video- we laughed so hard at the time- Tim's parents came over to see what was going on- and Elisha made them part of the fun- I wish we could have gotten his face- the look was pure onryness!! He enjoyed having the "power" in his grasp, and soaking the rest of us!!

FFA? Future Firefighters of America????? You tell me.


Heather Brandt said...

The video is too cute :)


Carey said...

OH MY GOSH! This is priceless and drowned them good. I was dying laughing, too. Thanks for the good laugh!

Sherri said...

What a sweet video!!!

Lori said...

No offense Eli but your dad is the funny part!

Deb said...

Very cute! He sure did figure it out fast.