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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rambling updates

Amazing how stranded one feels in this day and age when the internet is down, isn't it?

Also amazing how one's thought process changes when one blogs. I find myself thinking about all the many things I'd love to put here.

Amazing how little "free" time is left over in a day when it is filled with the joy of raising a toddler. and the trials. The blessings. The pain. The bond that is growing. The angst as two lives being blended add in a third. The teeth jarring, hair raising, hot blood pumping, I'm going to need a wig soon feeling of jumping into parenthood with a terrific two year old son. The indescribable sweetness of watching the love light up on his face when he sees his Papa come home from work, or runs over to give me a hug. The light of learning brightening his face so often as he makes so many discoveries. The embarrassing stories that we can already laugh about, well, almost.

Briefly- all the stuff I wanted to post, couldn't and now have a limited amount of time that I can remember quickly:

Lots and lots of rain last week. Over 4 1/2 inches in one night- that washed the sides of the bridge out. (once I can find the pictures on the computer, I'll put them up so you can see them :0) Playing indoors quietly with a toddler for 1 week. Not recommended for sanity reasons.

Took Elisha to work with me this morning- we had an early morning staff meeting. Hehe. A 2 year old at a pharmacist meeting. hehe. My fellow coworkers commented on how good he was. I guess he is truly suffering from first child syndrome- you know, where mom and dad think he should be "perfect" out in public, and at home. He did do pretty well. We left twice to "Kaka"- ahh the potty training years.

Well, as I seem to be rambling, I will sign off. Just wanted to give you an update on the happenens around here. We are off to Indiana this weekend for the annual reunion at my Grandma's house. I am super excited. Not only do I get to introduce him to his extended family and give lots of hugs to Grammalot- but I also get to watch as he meets my immediate family. I am almost giddy with joy to be able to see my brother and sisters and their families and finally be able to introduce our long awaited child.

Stay tuned for more pictures. Few words.

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