Today as we were on our way to church, the sun was shining brilliantly through the car window. It was quite striking, actually. It has been rainy and overcast for so many days, to see the beautiful rays touching the water, skimming over the tree tops, sparkling on the road and lighting the places where the ice was resting was just a special blessing. My whole body warmed with the glow it produced.
Elisha had some sun shining right in his face..... He excitedly looked at me and said, "Mama, nun kum ou !!!!! Gdood job, nun!!!" (Mama, sun come out!!!! Good job, sun!!) As I looked back in the rear view mirror, he was giving the sun a thumbs up. Good job, sun!!
He made it through the Christmas Cantata at church this morning, staying in the service so he could enjoy the music and watch Papa sing. He clapped and cheered- even when everyone else was quiet.... :0)
I told him he had to be quiet while Paul, the narrator, was speaking. So, after that, every time Paul would start speaking, Elisha would glance up at me and say, "Paul done?" He would begin praying when others were praying, wait about 30 secs and then say,"Amen," and be ready to go on to the next thing.
I can't believe how emotional all this is for me. Three Christmases ago I was researching adoption agencies, filling out forms and beginning the process of becoming pregnant in my heart, just knowing that God had a child for us. Two Christmases ago I was laboring in my mind wondering if we had somehow missed God's calling that we were to find our son out there and adopt him and bring him home. The adoption process had been shut down for several months with no end in sight. Last Christmas.... Wow... Last Christmas was profoundly different. It was so hard to know where our son was, and know that we couldn't be with him, and not even be sure when or possibly if we could bring him home.
This Christmas. How much more real it all is for me. Not the Santa and the Ho Ho and the things we usually think of when we mention Christmas. The night, soooo very long ago, when a very young woman gave birth to a child. I look at my son many times and wonder what he might decide to do when he grows up. All these feelings that come with being a parent are amazing in and of themselves. Can you imagine if you looked at your little son, wrapped up tight, sleeping the sleep of the innocent in your arms and knew what prophecy had to say about that little boy. Oh Mary, what did you ponder??
This Christmas I am holding our son, the child of the promise to us from God. As the Cantata swelled and came to the final song, the banners waving as we sang all together to Jesus, I couldn't help a little sob escaping. Elisha was mesmerized by the flags, snuggled close to my heart, listening to the anthems being raised to Christ the Savior. Oh, my precious son, my you come to know God sooo fully. I pray constantly that we would be the parents God would have us to be to raise you to know Him as fully as you can. My precious child, I wish that could be my gift. There wouldn't be ribbons or bows enough to be able to contain it, for I am finding with each season of my life that deep abiding love from God just continues to grow and become stronger.
Thank you, God, for wonderful moments and warm sunshine to fill our hearts and the amazing gift you gave us that we celebrate now! May it all become more real to us than ever before.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Red Light- Stop
Just over the past few weeks, it has amazed us how much Elisha has grown. He is talking so much more clearly and putting more complex thoughts together.
Every time just the 2 of us head off in the car, he wants to know if we are driving to Grammalot's house, or Gwama and Gwampa's house, or to see Papa at work. He knows the gas pedal, the brake and points them out as I'm fastening him in to his car seat.
He is becoming so aware of the world around him- the "Rai comi dow from ky"- or the "No falling dow from ky" (rain and snow falling down from sky).
His big thing the last week has been the traffic lights. He says his r's with an l- so it comes out something like this......
We'll be driving down the road and come to a traffic light that is red. As I slow down, he says, "Lre ligh top!!" (red light stop!!) Followed with, "reen ligh Go GO GO!!!!" And if we happen to be slowing down for a yellow light, he says, "Ylellow ligh low down!!"
I think he is more aware of vehicles than I was in my early teen years! He pretends his potty seat is a big truck- he steps to the side, opens the pretend door, steps over the seat sideways, sits down, "closes" the imaginary door and starts up the engine. He puts his feet on my feet and uses them as the break and gas. I am totally loving his imagination. We have so many adventures!!
Every time just the 2 of us head off in the car, he wants to know if we are driving to Grammalot's house, or Gwama and Gwampa's house, or to see Papa at work. He knows the gas pedal, the brake and points them out as I'm fastening him in to his car seat.
He is becoming so aware of the world around him- the "Rai comi dow from ky"- or the "No falling dow from ky" (rain and snow falling down from sky).
His big thing the last week has been the traffic lights. He says his r's with an l- so it comes out something like this......
We'll be driving down the road and come to a traffic light that is red. As I slow down, he says, "Lre ligh top!!" (red light stop!!) Followed with, "reen ligh Go GO GO!!!!" And if we happen to be slowing down for a yellow light, he says, "Ylellow ligh low down!!"
I think he is more aware of vehicles than I was in my early teen years! He pretends his potty seat is a big truck- he steps to the side, opens the pretend door, steps over the seat sideways, sits down, "closes" the imaginary door and starts up the engine. He puts his feet on my feet and uses them as the break and gas. I am totally loving his imagination. We have so many adventures!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
What a month.....
Wow!! I can't believe how much has happened since the last I posted- hang in- this is going to be a long post...... but lots of pics :0)
When we went to visit Papaw in the hospital (wow- it has been well over a month ago now!!) Aunt Linda and Uncle Gary were there. Elisha was having a little bit of a problem saying Uncle Gary's name, so we made it a roar like a lion.... Uncle Ggggrrrrreeeey. As we were preparing to go to my Mother-in-law's family's Thanksgiving dinner, the weekend before Thanksgiving, I was telling him the names of some of the people he knew that would be there. We did all our immediate family first, then named some of the aunts and uncles.
Wasn't even thinking about the time in the hospital- but Elisha remembered. As soon as I said Uncle Gary- his little face lights up and he says, "Unka Ggggrrrrrreeeey." It is so precious!! We laughed so hard. He keeps coming up with it. We'll be driving along the road, and he'll say, "Unka Grrrreeeyy."
Had a great time with all Tim's family on his mom's side. They had seen Elisha 2 days after arriving home from Russia (for the family Easter celebration), so were able to see how much he has changed. It was nice to see everyone and spend time together.
We drove over to Columbus on Thanksgiving Day and had dinner and spent time with Papa, who had to work. The guys at the firehouse do a great job putting together some delicious food. We had a fun time in fellowship with everyone. One of Tim's coworkers and his wife brought their daughter in. When all the guys on duty got called out for a run, Elisha was quite content playing with his new friend, Gabby. He also had a blast playing "Gettem" with the Captain.
Grant would lay on the couch pretending to be asleep. Gabby and Eli would run over and wake him up- he'd come roaring down like a bear after them, they'd run across the room and into my arms, giggling, screaming, screeching. At one point, Elisha must have felt a little overwhelmed. He stopped mid run and turned around and waved a little hand to Grant and said, "Hi!!" After we got over our laughter from the abrupt change, and Grant stopped being the bear and smiled and waved hi back, Elisha turned and ran as fast as he could across the room to me. He did this several times. We were all laughing so much!!
Then he got to help Randy play his guitar. He just loved to be around all the guys, seeing his Papa on a duty day. What a lot to be thankful for!!
The next morning, we headed out for PA to visit with my folks. I was sooo excited to see them. They are waaaayyyyy too far away!! (and yet, it really isn't that far) Elisha talked about being excited to see Gwama and Gwampa. My dad likes this a lot better. When we first got home, he thought it would be great to be called the Russian form of Grandma and Grandpa- Babuska and Daduska. Unfortunately, it came out as BooBoo and DooDoo. Then it was Gwama Dudu. So, he is very content with Gwampa now :0)
Charity and Brian were in to visit, too. It was sooo good to see them. We talk on the phone, but they have only seen Elisha the one time at our family reunion in July. It was fun to watch the interactions with one of my siblings. Looking forward to Christmas when we can all be together, even if only for a few days.
Here is Elisha, playing the Fisher Price drum my Mom has had since my sisters were small. Sorry about the mirror, Dad.... lol Elisha's calling card..... :0)
Mom had some Kid's Craftsman tools for Elisha- he sure loved that- a tool belt and hat and all those tools. He was banging away on the little tool table talking about being "Jus li Papa!!"
Here are Elisha and Mama, enjoying being with the family...
Once we got back to Ohio, we had to get it in gear to get our outside decorations up. We wanted to be able to make this a very special Christmas for our little guy!!
Elisha and I went out to "help" Papa put the lights up around the house. Well, Papa and Mama got most of it done while Elisha napped. After nap, he came out to "help."
The look says it all, doesn't it? Wowowow!!
A few days later, we had some snowfall. So, one day, while Papa was at work, we got all bundled up and went out to play in the snow. The Russian grannies would be proud. Our son was bundled up so much- we thought we should call him "Randy," the little brother on The Christmas Story.
He went down and got his wheelbarrow out and was taking wood from the wood stack into the house- "Jus li Papa does!!" He had so much fun, and it was amazing to see the attention to detail he has. He'd tap the log off several times on the ground before putting it in his wheelbarrow to get the dirt off.
I have been thinking of my Grandma soo much lately, so when Tim told me he had to stay over and work last Saturday after being gone for work all day Friday, I decided to load up the car and take Elisha to Grandma's house for the weekend.
The trip went well, didn't get lost (this is funny if you realize I've been traveling there for over 30 years- but I usually sleep through parts of the trip- I've only driven it a few times by myself) and Elisha seemed so excited.
We stopped at Flying J to get gas as we started out (for only $1.53!!! a gallon) and as we were coming out of the convenience store and I was buckling him in, he started to wave. I looked over and saw a pretty unkempt man, missing several teeth. One I would be hesitant to be around in an unknown area. Then, as I watched, his face- one minute gnarled and foreboding- changed. He began to smile from his toes out! Such joy on his face- it made me smile. He leaned over and gave a little finger wave back to Elisha as he was getting into his beat up old car. Once he got seated, these boys, separated by generations, joined by a smile, began waving at each other again. Thank you, God, for these glimpses of you that I see through the eyes of a child!
When we got there, he warmed up instantly with Grandma- Grammalot to her great grandchildren. He remembered where he slept when we were there last and was as comfortable there as he is at home. I had been concerned that it would take a long time to warm up to her, and then be time to come home- but not so. He slept so well for naps, as well as at bedtime. What a blessing!!
He surprised both of us, Grandma and myself, when he remembered where everything was. He went over to the small table Grandma has set up in the kitchen. It is an older table with a drawer in it. This is where Grandma keeps her silverware. Elisha went right over to it when it was almost time to eat to get the spoons out. Amazing......! He was at her house for 2 nights back in April and then again in July- with 70 other people there for a family reunion.
One of his favorite games there was for me to chase him and him run right into Grammalot's arms as she sat in the chair. There is a ramp going up from the living room into the rest of the house. He loved running up and down it. I was able to get some video of that- but it takes soooo long to upload video and pics, not sure if I'll have the time to post it or not. He also loved eating next to Grandma. I loved watching them. He'd just look over at her and put his head on her arm, then look up and smile and grin.
We went to church with Grammalot on Sunday. They had their children's Christmas program followed by a soup and sandwich supper afterward. It amazed me to realize that the tables that Elisha was able to run under, barely ducking, in April, were now about level with his shoulders. Hard to believe how much he's grown.
Here he is giving "Grammalock" lots of hugs and kisses as we prepared to leave.
After I got home from work on Wed, I got out the sugar cookie making supplies and Elisha and I baked Christmas cookies. What a hoot!! It was a lot of fun. Papa came up just as we finished cutting out the last cookie. When we finished dinner, I threw together some butter cream frosting and then did something that very rarely happens. I let Elisha lick the beater.
You could see the yumm on his face. After the first lick, he seemed a little uncertain- I said, "Are you done?" and he grabbed the beater and thoroughly enjoyed licking a little off each tine. AAhhhhh... the joys of Christmas baking....
Papa took him upstairs and gave him a bath while I started frosting the cookies. They made it downstairs as I was halfway through with the cookies.
Here is Elisha helping Papa put the sprinkles on the cookies. Most of his conversation was a sort of question the whole evening.... "Lya ea cookie now???" "Lya ea cookies now??" (Elisha eat cookies?) At one point, as I'm getting the remaining frosting out of the piping bag, Tim putting away the camera, Elisha walked over, dragged over his stool, said, "Lya ea cookie." (Notice the period here. I realized later it wasn't a question.... :0) As I'm saying, "No honey, not now- we'll eat some tomorrow," I look over and he has a cookie in his hand and is taking a bite. lol . ... I have to admit, they are pretty good :0)
Ok- now I can sleep at night. I've had these thoughts floating around my head for a month now, wanting to write them down, put up pics, etc.
It has been quite hectic around here, and also quite emotional for us. A wonderful woman we never met, yet feel we know quite well through our adoption agency, lost her battle with cancer this week. Or should I say won her battle and now has a new pain free body. Such a courageous, positive, amazing woman- I rejoice for her and weep for the rest of us still here. She was such a shining influence and great encourager. She and her husband adopted their son from the same orphanage that Elisha is from, a little over 3 years ago, and her lists, postings and pictures made the area seem familiar to us and gave us that little extra we needed to be able to prepare for our journey. We are keeping her husband and 3 children (2 just adopted this year) in our prayers.
So, we are 1 week away from Christmas. What are you doing to prepare your heart and homes? May the most amazing gift of all, the greatest gift ever given fill your heart, mind and homes this year. May the stress we've made of the season fade away, the greed our culture makes normal dissipate and the loneliness cease. May we gather everyone around us close and remember the reason we celebrate this season to begin with.
The majesty, the drama, that quiet night, soo long ago when all creation past and future collectively held its breath at the cry of a newborn baby- the Lord incarnate- so weak and lowly. May your heart and mind hear his cooing and that amazing baby laugh and relax this season.
Looking forward to posting pics and stories of our first Christmas as a family of three.......
When we went to visit Papaw in the hospital (wow- it has been well over a month ago now!!) Aunt Linda and Uncle Gary were there. Elisha was having a little bit of a problem saying Uncle Gary's name, so we made it a roar like a lion.... Uncle Ggggrrrrreeeey. As we were preparing to go to my Mother-in-law's family's Thanksgiving dinner, the weekend before Thanksgiving, I was telling him the names of some of the people he knew that would be there. We did all our immediate family first, then named some of the aunts and uncles.
Wasn't even thinking about the time in the hospital- but Elisha remembered. As soon as I said Uncle Gary- his little face lights up and he says, "Unka Ggggrrrrrreeeey." It is so precious!! We laughed so hard. He keeps coming up with it. We'll be driving along the road, and he'll say, "Unka Grrrreeeyy."
Had a great time with all Tim's family on his mom's side. They had seen Elisha 2 days after arriving home from Russia (for the family Easter celebration), so were able to see how much he has changed. It was nice to see everyone and spend time together.
We drove over to Columbus on Thanksgiving Day and had dinner and spent time with Papa, who had to work. The guys at the firehouse do a great job putting together some delicious food. We had a fun time in fellowship with everyone. One of Tim's coworkers and his wife brought their daughter in. When all the guys on duty got called out for a run, Elisha was quite content playing with his new friend, Gabby. He also had a blast playing "Gettem" with the Captain.
Grant would lay on the couch pretending to be asleep. Gabby and Eli would run over and wake him up- he'd come roaring down like a bear after them, they'd run across the room and into my arms, giggling, screaming, screeching. At one point, Elisha must have felt a little overwhelmed. He stopped mid run and turned around and waved a little hand to Grant and said, "Hi!!" After we got over our laughter from the abrupt change, and Grant stopped being the bear and smiled and waved hi back, Elisha turned and ran as fast as he could across the room to me. He did this several times. We were all laughing so much!!
The next morning, we headed out for PA to visit with my folks. I was sooo excited to see them. They are waaaayyyyy too far away!! (and yet, it really isn't that far) Elisha talked about being excited to see Gwama and Gwampa. My dad likes this a lot better. When we first got home, he thought it would be great to be called the Russian form of Grandma and Grandpa- Babuska and Daduska. Unfortunately, it came out as BooBoo and DooDoo. Then it was Gwama Dudu. So, he is very content with Gwampa now :0)
Charity and Brian were in to visit, too. It was sooo good to see them. We talk on the phone, but they have only seen Elisha the one time at our family reunion in July. It was fun to watch the interactions with one of my siblings. Looking forward to Christmas when we can all be together, even if only for a few days.
Once we got back to Ohio, we had to get it in gear to get our outside decorations up. We wanted to be able to make this a very special Christmas for our little guy!!
I have been thinking of my Grandma soo much lately, so when Tim told me he had to stay over and work last Saturday after being gone for work all day Friday, I decided to load up the car and take Elisha to Grandma's house for the weekend.
The trip went well, didn't get lost (this is funny if you realize I've been traveling there for over 30 years- but I usually sleep through parts of the trip- I've only driven it a few times by myself) and Elisha seemed so excited.
We stopped at Flying J to get gas as we started out (for only $1.53!!! a gallon) and as we were coming out of the convenience store and I was buckling him in, he started to wave. I looked over and saw a pretty unkempt man, missing several teeth. One I would be hesitant to be around in an unknown area. Then, as I watched, his face- one minute gnarled and foreboding- changed. He began to smile from his toes out! Such joy on his face- it made me smile. He leaned over and gave a little finger wave back to Elisha as he was getting into his beat up old car. Once he got seated, these boys, separated by generations, joined by a smile, began waving at each other again. Thank you, God, for these glimpses of you that I see through the eyes of a child!
When we got there, he warmed up instantly with Grandma- Grammalot to her great grandchildren. He remembered where he slept when we were there last and was as comfortable there as he is at home. I had been concerned that it would take a long time to warm up to her, and then be time to come home- but not so. He slept so well for naps, as well as at bedtime. What a blessing!!
He surprised both of us, Grandma and myself, when he remembered where everything was. He went over to the small table Grandma has set up in the kitchen. It is an older table with a drawer in it. This is where Grandma keeps her silverware. Elisha went right over to it when it was almost time to eat to get the spoons out. Amazing......! He was at her house for 2 nights back in April and then again in July- with 70 other people there for a family reunion.
One of his favorite games there was for me to chase him and him run right into Grammalot's arms as she sat in the chair. There is a ramp going up from the living room into the rest of the house. He loved running up and down it. I was able to get some video of that- but it takes soooo long to upload video and pics, not sure if I'll have the time to post it or not. He also loved eating next to Grandma. I loved watching them. He'd just look over at her and put his head on her arm, then look up and smile and grin.
We went to church with Grammalot on Sunday. They had their children's Christmas program followed by a soup and sandwich supper afterward. It amazed me to realize that the tables that Elisha was able to run under, barely ducking, in April, were now about level with his shoulders. Hard to believe how much he's grown.
After I got home from work on Wed, I got out the sugar cookie making supplies and Elisha and I baked Christmas cookies. What a hoot!! It was a lot of fun. Papa came up just as we finished cutting out the last cookie. When we finished dinner, I threw together some butter cream frosting and then did something that very rarely happens. I let Elisha lick the beater.
You could see the yumm on his face. After the first lick, he seemed a little uncertain- I said, "Are you done?" and he grabbed the beater and thoroughly enjoyed licking a little off each tine. AAhhhhh... the joys of Christmas baking....
Ok- now I can sleep at night. I've had these thoughts floating around my head for a month now, wanting to write them down, put up pics, etc.
It has been quite hectic around here, and also quite emotional for us. A wonderful woman we never met, yet feel we know quite well through our adoption agency, lost her battle with cancer this week. Or should I say won her battle and now has a new pain free body. Such a courageous, positive, amazing woman- I rejoice for her and weep for the rest of us still here. She was such a shining influence and great encourager. She and her husband adopted their son from the same orphanage that Elisha is from, a little over 3 years ago, and her lists, postings and pictures made the area seem familiar to us and gave us that little extra we needed to be able to prepare for our journey. We are keeping her husband and 3 children (2 just adopted this year) in our prayers.
So, we are 1 week away from Christmas. What are you doing to prepare your heart and homes? May the most amazing gift of all, the greatest gift ever given fill your heart, mind and homes this year. May the stress we've made of the season fade away, the greed our culture makes normal dissipate and the loneliness cease. May we gather everyone around us close and remember the reason we celebrate this season to begin with.
The majesty, the drama, that quiet night, soo long ago when all creation past and future collectively held its breath at the cry of a newborn baby- the Lord incarnate- so weak and lowly. May your heart and mind hear his cooing and that amazing baby laugh and relax this season.
Looking forward to posting pics and stories of our first Christmas as a family of three.......
Thursday, November 27, 2008
He's our son!
I was having a discussion with my mom the other day. It struck me as kinda funny, and wonderful. She was telling me about an old friend of mine that also has a little boy- 1 month younger than Elisha. My friend is an excellent football player, and really looks the part. I don't really know the positions well- not a sports fan- sorry!! But he's a line backer ( I think that's the part)
SOO, anyway, Mom was telling me that their little boy is almost 15 pounds heavier than Elisha. I jumped in and said that it wasn't surprising, since my friend is so much bigger than Tim. Mom asked if I just heard what I said. Well, I haven't been feeling well lately, so I repeated it, thinking I'd said something backwards. My friend has a larger frame and bigger bones, so it is really not surprising that his son would be bigger than Tim's son.
He, he, he, I guess we really can't compare Elisha's genes with Tim's. In my mind the adoption is over and complete, and he couldn't be any more our son than he is. Thank you God that the bonding process we prayed so hard for has gone so well, both for Elisha as well as us!!!
SOO, anyway, Mom was telling me that their little boy is almost 15 pounds heavier than Elisha. I jumped in and said that it wasn't surprising, since my friend is so much bigger than Tim. Mom asked if I just heard what I said. Well, I haven't been feeling well lately, so I repeated it, thinking I'd said something backwards. My friend has a larger frame and bigger bones, so it is really not surprising that his son would be bigger than Tim's son.
He, he, he, I guess we really can't compare Elisha's genes with Tim's. In my mind the adoption is over and complete, and he couldn't be any more our son than he is. Thank you God that the bonding process we prayed so hard for has gone so well, both for Elisha as well as us!!!
Giving Thanks
It is really hard to realize what we have this day set aside for, isn't it? Seems for some the gathering together is becoming more stressful, and both the tables and our bellies are groaning under the weight of our food.
I've been pondering a lot lately. Nothing new, I know, but Thanksgiving has been one of my favorite topics. The Bible tells us to "Give thanks with a grateful heart," and I was thinking the other day of some of my Mom's favorite advice to me when I call her as I'm in the "depths of despair," as Anne of Green Gables would say. "Think about your blessings- Thank God for all the amazing things He's done in your life...."
There is a song whose chorus goes something like this:
Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Count your blessings, see what God has done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your many blessings, see what God has done!!
I got to thinking- if I truly did spend my time counting my blessings- I really wouldn't have any time to dwell on things that allow bitterness to take root in my heart. Not that there aren't hard times- I'm not trying to say there aren't. But I've been thinking that it really comes down to what I dwell on- what I allow to occupy my mind the most- that directs my thinking.
Hmmmmmm--- suppose Satan realizes this weakness in me and uses it to its fullest? I find I so often skim over the superkalafradgelisticexpialadocious (sp?) blessings (I couldn't think of a word to contain or even begin to describe it....), and focus on something minor and petty in the whole scheme of things- so I don't even enjoy the wonderful gifts my Father has given me. What an amazing thing our former President did, when Abraham Lincoln made this day set aside for thanking the Creator of the world for life and survival in this new land a national holiday.
So- there are soooo many things that come to my mind when I think of things I am thankful for. I am so thankful for the journey we were on to become a family- it has made me feel closer to God and more understanding of our relationship with Him as we went through the adoption process ourselves. I am so thankful that God gave us His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us-
I am often amazed that God put me in the family He did. No one is perfect, but my childhood was rather ideal- My husband's a wonderful, generous, talented, caring man of God, our son is so amazing I'm not sure where to start- we are surrounded by family and friends that have become like family, while carrying ties to our family further away that have become even stronger over the last few years.
I am thankful that a young woman, halfway around the world, chose to give birth to a beautiful little baby boy, even knowing that she couldn't care for him, and then gave him up to be adopted. Her following God's leading in her life to not "terminate" her pregnancy allowed our family to be formed.
I am so thankful for all the people who have joined us in this journey- whether in person, processing documents, appearing in court, preparing us for the journey, praying with us, consoling us, crying with us, sharing our joy- what a blessing it is to be able to come alongside our fellow mankind and bless them.
And all the "stuff" we have is just icing- but I am thankful for all that, too!!
I'm sure this could be "the list that does not end, it just goes on and on, my friend....." but I will pause now in my thinking to allow you to also contemplate all God has blessed you with. I pray He will open your eyes, just a little bit wider so you can be filled with the wonder and joy that the One that created you and knows everything about you, also chooses to bless you. Thank you, God!!
I've been pondering a lot lately. Nothing new, I know, but Thanksgiving has been one of my favorite topics. The Bible tells us to "Give thanks with a grateful heart," and I was thinking the other day of some of my Mom's favorite advice to me when I call her as I'm in the "depths of despair," as Anne of Green Gables would say. "Think about your blessings- Thank God for all the amazing things He's done in your life...."
There is a song whose chorus goes something like this:
Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Count your blessings, see what God has done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your many blessings, see what God has done!!
I got to thinking- if I truly did spend my time counting my blessings- I really wouldn't have any time to dwell on things that allow bitterness to take root in my heart. Not that there aren't hard times- I'm not trying to say there aren't. But I've been thinking that it really comes down to what I dwell on- what I allow to occupy my mind the most- that directs my thinking.
Hmmmmmm--- suppose Satan realizes this weakness in me and uses it to its fullest? I find I so often skim over the superkalafradgelisticexpialadocious (sp?) blessings (I couldn't think of a word to contain or even begin to describe it....), and focus on something minor and petty in the whole scheme of things- so I don't even enjoy the wonderful gifts my Father has given me. What an amazing thing our former President did, when Abraham Lincoln made this day set aside for thanking the Creator of the world for life and survival in this new land a national holiday.
So- there are soooo many things that come to my mind when I think of things I am thankful for. I am so thankful for the journey we were on to become a family- it has made me feel closer to God and more understanding of our relationship with Him as we went through the adoption process ourselves. I am so thankful that God gave us His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us-
I am often amazed that God put me in the family He did. No one is perfect, but my childhood was rather ideal- My husband's a wonderful, generous, talented, caring man of God, our son is so amazing I'm not sure where to start- we are surrounded by family and friends that have become like family, while carrying ties to our family further away that have become even stronger over the last few years.
I am thankful that a young woman, halfway around the world, chose to give birth to a beautiful little baby boy, even knowing that she couldn't care for him, and then gave him up to be adopted. Her following God's leading in her life to not "terminate" her pregnancy allowed our family to be formed.
I am so thankful for all the people who have joined us in this journey- whether in person, processing documents, appearing in court, preparing us for the journey, praying with us, consoling us, crying with us, sharing our joy- what a blessing it is to be able to come alongside our fellow mankind and bless them.
And all the "stuff" we have is just icing- but I am thankful for all that, too!!
I'm sure this could be "the list that does not end, it just goes on and on, my friend....." but I will pause now in my thinking to allow you to also contemplate all God has blessed you with. I pray He will open your eyes, just a little bit wider so you can be filled with the wonder and joy that the One that created you and knows everything about you, also chooses to bless you. Thank you, God!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Impotent Fury
Just a few ramblings today....
We (Elisha and I) went to the local branch of the library today. Before we went, I applied more drops to my poor little baby's eyes. He squishes them up tight and tells me it burns as he whimpers a bit in my arms. It is so hard to do this for him- something I know needs to be done- for long term healing- but causing short term pain.
I got down his snowsuit jacket we bought while in Russia. When there, in March, we had to roll the sleeves up several inches- it fits just right now!! I tried to zip up the jacket. It made it all but 1 inch from the top- which then holds his neck like a whiplash collar.
He said, "Too tigh!!" I remembered us having a problem when in Moscow, where the zipper got caught on the tender skin of his throat, so I had my finger behind the zipper. Well, he struggled away a little to loosen the zipper, and it began to unzip on it's own. Down..... down..... and then he starts crying- yelling it was "too tigh!!"
I tried to get it to unzip and realized it had, again, caught his flesh in the zipper. Aargh!! I was so furious with myself, since I was trying to be so careful, and also with the jacket- imagine that- fury at an inanimate object. I finally got it off, and he lay crying in my arms, my heart breaking with every whimper. He let me hold some ice in a paper towel on it for a few minutes, and then seemed fine.
I can't wait to sew a little strip of something so very soft on the inside of the jacket, so the zipper CANNOT do this any more.
Quick update.... he was playing with his jacket tonight- and really seems to like it- as long as I don't try to zip it up "Tigh" or tight :0) and his neck looks fine- just a few little red spots..... lol
After coming home from the library, it was time for drops again. This time he cried. He is so good, though. He'll lay on my lap and let me put them on his eyes- but this time he wouldn't open them- he just kept whimpering about how it burns. I am praying it will very soon ease and the burn will stop.
Today, I am praying for all those amazingly gifted parents of children who are very ill and for strength for those parents who have to do things for them that cause pain for the short term to enable long term healing. My deal with Elisha is so very minor compared to most- so I'm praying for those who have to deal with this on an ongoing basis. May God strengthen you and keep you in the palm of his hand- giving you strength to go on- and courage to know what needs to be done.
As we approach Thanksgiving time, I have been pondering more and more in my heart about all the blessings in my life. I put a note on my Facebook about a realization I had as I was thinking the other day...... If I were to truly count my blessings, naming them one by one, seeing all the Lord has done in my life, there would be no room to harbor bitterness, strife, envy, or even anger. I would be in a continual state of awe as I realize just what all my precious God has done for me. May you also be blown away as you take a few moments to reflect on all He has done for you.
We (Elisha and I) went to the local branch of the library today. Before we went, I applied more drops to my poor little baby's eyes. He squishes them up tight and tells me it burns as he whimpers a bit in my arms. It is so hard to do this for him- something I know needs to be done- for long term healing- but causing short term pain.
I got down his snowsuit jacket we bought while in Russia. When there, in March, we had to roll the sleeves up several inches- it fits just right now!! I tried to zip up the jacket. It made it all but 1 inch from the top- which then holds his neck like a whiplash collar.
I tried to get it to unzip and realized it had, again, caught his flesh in the zipper. Aargh!! I was so furious with myself, since I was trying to be so careful, and also with the jacket- imagine that- fury at an inanimate object. I finally got it off, and he lay crying in my arms, my heart breaking with every whimper. He let me hold some ice in a paper towel on it for a few minutes, and then seemed fine.
I can't wait to sew a little strip of something so very soft on the inside of the jacket, so the zipper CANNOT do this any more.
Quick update.... he was playing with his jacket tonight- and really seems to like it- as long as I don't try to zip it up "Tigh" or tight :0) and his neck looks fine- just a few little red spots..... lol
After coming home from the library, it was time for drops again. This time he cried. He is so good, though. He'll lay on my lap and let me put them on his eyes- but this time he wouldn't open them- he just kept whimpering about how it burns. I am praying it will very soon ease and the burn will stop.
Today, I am praying for all those amazingly gifted parents of children who are very ill and for strength for those parents who have to do things for them that cause pain for the short term to enable long term healing. My deal with Elisha is so very minor compared to most- so I'm praying for those who have to deal with this on an ongoing basis. May God strengthen you and keep you in the palm of his hand- giving you strength to go on- and courage to know what needs to be done.
As we approach Thanksgiving time, I have been pondering more and more in my heart about all the blessings in my life. I put a note on my Facebook about a realization I had as I was thinking the other day...... If I were to truly count my blessings, naming them one by one, seeing all the Lord has done in my life, there would be no room to harbor bitterness, strife, envy, or even anger. I would be in a continual state of awe as I realize just what all my precious God has done for me. May you also be blown away as you take a few moments to reflect on all He has done for you.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Birdies in the ear, snowflakes on the tongue
Ahh the constant change of childhood. Great alliteration there, don't you think? What's it mean today? Well.....
Elisha's had some sort of allergy thing going on with one of his eyes for the last 3 weeks. Coming and going- and finally getting worse and spreading to his other eye. So, today we went to visit Ms Rose- his nurse practitioner. Amazing to see how different he is now with her, compared to how he was in March. He was looking forward to visiting, and would have tromped off with her without me if she hadn't stopped him.
Nothing major with the eyes, and so amazing that he sat very still and looked all around for her, as she instructed, shining the light in his eyes, giving her a great view of his eyes and eyelids. Rose then went ahead and checked him out all over- she does a bird type whistle next to his ear (very soft sounding) as she checks them out. Elisha, as he was running around the room once we finished and were discussing treatment for his eye, found the small black ear piece she had used- he held it up and said, "Birdie??" as he looked inside it. He pointed to the stack of new ear pieces as we were walking out- "Birdie??"
He has grown from 10th% height and 3oth% weight when we brought him home in March, to 50th% for both. Wow! He's grown several inches and only put on a couple pounds since he was there in June and we did our 6 month post placement report. How amazing!
Sunday was our first snowfall of the season here in Ohio. It found Elisha and me out on the porch before church, faces upturned, trying to capture some of the flakes on our tongues. I wonder if he even remembers the snow???? I think all too soon, we'll be putting on his great snowsuit and heavy boots we got in Russia. He can't wait, and, honestly, Tim and I can't either- we all love snow and are looking forward to having some snow this year.
Chuckle, chuckle- beginning of this year saw us in South Central Siberia in the middle of winter...prepared for a Siberian winter. Instead, we had balmy 30 and 40 degree weather with a few flurries- no accumulation.... while, at the same time, back home in Ohio they had blizzards and several FEET of snow. Even made the news in Russia....
Gotta love the humor in that....... *grin* :0)
Elisha's had some sort of allergy thing going on with one of his eyes for the last 3 weeks. Coming and going- and finally getting worse and spreading to his other eye. So, today we went to visit Ms Rose- his nurse practitioner. Amazing to see how different he is now with her, compared to how he was in March. He was looking forward to visiting, and would have tromped off with her without me if she hadn't stopped him.
Nothing major with the eyes, and so amazing that he sat very still and looked all around for her, as she instructed, shining the light in his eyes, giving her a great view of his eyes and eyelids. Rose then went ahead and checked him out all over- she does a bird type whistle next to his ear (very soft sounding) as she checks them out. Elisha, as he was running around the room once we finished and were discussing treatment for his eye, found the small black ear piece she had used- he held it up and said, "Birdie??" as he looked inside it. He pointed to the stack of new ear pieces as we were walking out- "Birdie??"
He has grown from 10th% height and 3oth% weight when we brought him home in March, to 50th% for both. Wow! He's grown several inches and only put on a couple pounds since he was there in June and we did our 6 month post placement report. How amazing!
Sunday was our first snowfall of the season here in Ohio. It found Elisha and me out on the porch before church, faces upturned, trying to capture some of the flakes on our tongues. I wonder if he even remembers the snow???? I think all too soon, we'll be putting on his great snowsuit and heavy boots we got in Russia. He can't wait, and, honestly, Tim and I can't either- we all love snow and are looking forward to having some snow this year.
Chuckle, chuckle- beginning of this year saw us in South Central Siberia in the middle of winter...prepared for a Siberian winter. Instead, we had balmy 30 and 40 degree weather with a few flurries- no accumulation.... while, at the same time, back home in Ohio they had blizzards and several FEET of snow. Even made the news in Russia....
Gotta love the humor in that....... *grin* :0)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
St Croix week
So, you all have heard us talk a little bit about St Croix and our great timeshare there. We have found ourselves in a position having a week left that must be used before the end of the year.
If you or anyone you know would like to go down for a week to this great 5 star resort, we'd love to GIVE you our week. We hate to see it go to waste. And the good news- hurricane season is now over:)
Let us know... leave a post and email me your info at with Carambola, St Croix in the subject line.
If you'd like to see it- check this out Click here
click on "Visual Tour" and you can see panoramic views of several different areas around Carambola Beach resort.
If you or anyone you know would like to go down for a week to this great 5 star resort, we'd love to GIVE you our week. We hate to see it go to waste. And the good news- hurricane season is now over:)
Let us know... leave a post and email me your info at with Carambola, St Croix in the subject line.
If you'd like to see it- check this out Click here
click on "Visual Tour" and you can see panoramic views of several different areas around Carambola Beach resort.
Pictures added :0)
I was able to download some pics from Tim's computer- look back at the vacation posts for the pictures to go with those posts.... :0)
Here are some for your enjoyment now :0)
Here he is taking a "Ki-Ki ca nap" in the hammock- pretty good job for his first time in one :0) (translation- kitty-cat nap)

Here is our little trouper as we headed out the morning after the storm. He had fun picking up the sticks, stepping over all the palm leaves strewn all over and just being a boy. The weather was absolutely beautiful that day!

Here we are walking back to our room- he enjoys life so much- especially outside. It is such a good reminder as I watch him, to treasure each and every moment. When do we forget that and begin rushing through life to "just get it done"? Lord, help us to remember you are in control and you planned the journey just as much as the completion- help us remember to stop and enjoy the trip :0)

Elisha and Papa- taking pics in the bathroom mirror- Photography 101.....

Here we are making the lack of a tub a fun thing. Elisha loved it!! He is continually saying he wants to take a shower now. He has such a zest for life!! ( no shower pun intended here- suave of me, eh? You'll have to dial in for more :0)
Here he is, all greased up to go out and play in the sun- complete with his great beach hat- thanks, Mamaw!!
Here are some for your enjoyment now :0)
Here he is taking a "Ki-Ki ca nap" in the hammock- pretty good job for his first time in one :0) (translation- kitty-cat nap)
Here is our little trouper as we headed out the morning after the storm. He had fun picking up the sticks, stepping over all the palm leaves strewn all over and just being a boy. The weather was absolutely beautiful that day!
Here we are walking back to our room- he enjoys life so much- especially outside. It is such a good reminder as I watch him, to treasure each and every moment. When do we forget that and begin rushing through life to "just get it done"? Lord, help us to remember you are in control and you planned the journey just as much as the completion- help us remember to stop and enjoy the trip :0)
Elisha and Papa- taking pics in the bathroom mirror- Photography 101.....
Here we are making the lack of a tub a fun thing. Elisha loved it!! He is continually saying he wants to take a shower now. He has such a zest for life!! ( no shower pun intended here- suave of me, eh? You'll have to dial in for more :0)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I know all moms and dads must feel this way, but I am continually blown away by how amazing our son is. Few little stories....
The week of vacation, Elisha was so entertaining for us (most of the time- he's not perfect :0))
He played "mule" most of the time- where he would sit on the porch with me and make motor noises, doing everything one would do on a mule (small all terrain-type vehicle- like a golf cart on steroids....) in order. That is to say, he begins by getting in, turning on the engine (with great starter noises), moving the gears, releasing the parking break and steering the wheel.
He stops frequently to get the mail out the nu baauux (mail box) and brings it over to give it to whomever is riding with him. This would go on for hours at a time- usually it was limited only by Mama and Papa's patience :0)
I don't think I mentioned our travel for our vacation. I was concerned about him worrying that we were taking him back to the orphanage, since it was our first big trip since he came home, so we left a ton of things undone at home, so he knew he was coming back- He helped scoop out Baka's food to take just enough for the week, we left some clothes out for him to help put away when we got back, that sort of thing. He did so well, though, I think it may have been God's way of reassuring me that he is attaching very well and is not afraid that we are going to leave him, too.
He was soo encouraging to the plane staff. Each landing was preceded by him clapping and giving the captain and crew a thumbs up- "Gooo Joob, Capin!!!" he would say as we left each flight (3 down, 3 back) He was so encouraging and seemed to really be a blessing and joy to those seated around us.
I was soooo happy that we were able to distract him this time so he wasn't playing with the tray table. He had his own seat and seatbelt and we explained that he had to keep his seatbelt on when the light was on. He checked that light- we realized how much when we went on a smaller plane- it only had the fasten seatbelt light every 4 or 5 seats or so. He didn't see it above us- so he said, "See bel off????" and began unfastening it- until we pointed out the different location. He seems to follow rules so well, it is, yes, you guessed it, amazing!!
We also found that if we could get him to relax for even a little bit- he'd take his nap.... Yeah!! Here is one of the photos we got of him nodding off.......Tim got him to play with Gabby, his little cell phone. It has a lot of great features, is not very loud, and was just the ticket to help him dial into dream land :0)
Sometime last week it clicked for him what "beating" someone meant. Since he came home, I would tell him I was going to beat him up to his room, or I would beat him to the bathroom, and then give a great demonstration of racing. This last week he finally got it. Now he says, "Beat Mama baa room!!" and takes off running, and he sometimes beats me for real!!!
I think about some of these little things and realize a lot of kids learn this from older siblings or family and know it when they are quite small. It is so amazing to watch as he just "picks up" all this stuff by simply observing what goes on around him in this new culture, with new language.
As far as personality- boy has he been developing that!! It is soooo ..... you guessed it.... AMAZING!!
Papa Gene (Tim's dad) went to the doctor last Friday for a check up- chest pains and the works- was admitted and spent the weekend in the hospital. We went in to visit, traveling in Elisha's new Jeep Liberty jogging stroller.
It is so nice!! Any out there with a boy may want to look at it :0) (Babys R Us) It comes with cup holders, snack tray and a little steering wheel, car attachment- how much fun is that?
It even has ibaby- a speaker with a cord attachment so you and your child can listen to your ipod while you run around. I haven't taken up jogging- but this is sooo easy to push and pretty all terrain, which is good for living out in the woods like we do. Talk about the works!!
The little car part has an on/off button so you can use the ignition switch, play music and honk the horn. When we explained to Elisha that we had to be quiet when we went into the hospital, he sat very quietly- "driving" around the halls, making sure the unit was in the off position so we didn't disturb anyone. On the way out, after reminding him again that people were sleeping and we had to be quiet, he held his finger to his lips almost the whole way out. It was precious!
Papa Gene had a heart cath done on Monday, so Elisha and I went to Kidsville ( a great little park set up for kids of all ages in Zanesville- down along the river) to blow off some energy while Tim, his mom and siblings waited for news on Papa and the procedure to finish. We are continuing to thank God that all went well and Papa "passed" this test.
While we were there I was pushing him on the swings. Underdoggy became our thing :0) (If you don't know what an underdog is- the person pushing goes all the way under the one being pushed running out the other side) He would laugh hysterically as I would look up in the sky and all around and not find him until I turned all the way around. I love that he laughs so freely now!! Well- the humor part- My family is pretty well known for our corny sense of humor and love of puns and plays on words. We love it!! So after several (dozen????) underdoggies, he looks at me, grins that mischievous grin he has, and with a twinkle in his eye, says, "Baka????" instead of "underdoggie??????" Baka is our dog. What a hoot!! I laughed so hard I thought I might cry- way to go son!!
The week of vacation, Elisha was so entertaining for us (most of the time- he's not perfect :0))
He played "mule" most of the time- where he would sit on the porch with me and make motor noises, doing everything one would do on a mule (small all terrain-type vehicle- like a golf cart on steroids....) in order. That is to say, he begins by getting in, turning on the engine (with great starter noises), moving the gears, releasing the parking break and steering the wheel.
He stops frequently to get the mail out the nu baauux (mail box) and brings it over to give it to whomever is riding with him. This would go on for hours at a time- usually it was limited only by Mama and Papa's patience :0)
I don't think I mentioned our travel for our vacation. I was concerned about him worrying that we were taking him back to the orphanage, since it was our first big trip since he came home, so we left a ton of things undone at home, so he knew he was coming back- He helped scoop out Baka's food to take just enough for the week, we left some clothes out for him to help put away when we got back, that sort of thing. He did so well, though, I think it may have been God's way of reassuring me that he is attaching very well and is not afraid that we are going to leave him, too.
He was soo encouraging to the plane staff. Each landing was preceded by him clapping and giving the captain and crew a thumbs up- "Gooo Joob, Capin!!!" he would say as we left each flight (3 down, 3 back) He was so encouraging and seemed to really be a blessing and joy to those seated around us.
I was soooo happy that we were able to distract him this time so he wasn't playing with the tray table. He had his own seat and seatbelt and we explained that he had to keep his seatbelt on when the light was on. He checked that light- we realized how much when we went on a smaller plane- it only had the fasten seatbelt light every 4 or 5 seats or so. He didn't see it above us- so he said, "See bel off????" and began unfastening it- until we pointed out the different location. He seems to follow rules so well, it is, yes, you guessed it, amazing!!

We also found that if we could get him to relax for even a little bit- he'd take his nap.... Yeah!! Here is one of the photos we got of him nodding off.......Tim got him to play with Gabby, his little cell phone. It has a lot of great features, is not very loud, and was just the ticket to help him dial into dream land :0)
Sometime last week it clicked for him what "beating" someone meant. Since he came home, I would tell him I was going to beat him up to his room, or I would beat him to the bathroom, and then give a great demonstration of racing. This last week he finally got it. Now he says, "Beat Mama baa room!!" and takes off running, and he sometimes beats me for real!!!
I think about some of these little things and realize a lot of kids learn this from older siblings or family and know it when they are quite small. It is so amazing to watch as he just "picks up" all this stuff by simply observing what goes on around him in this new culture, with new language.
As far as personality- boy has he been developing that!! It is soooo ..... you guessed it.... AMAZING!!
Papa Gene (Tim's dad) went to the doctor last Friday for a check up- chest pains and the works- was admitted and spent the weekend in the hospital. We went in to visit, traveling in Elisha's new Jeep Liberty jogging stroller.

It even has ibaby- a speaker with a cord attachment so you and your child can listen to your ipod while you run around. I haven't taken up jogging- but this is sooo easy to push and pretty all terrain, which is good for living out in the woods like we do. Talk about the works!!
The little car part has an on/off button so you can use the ignition switch, play music and honk the horn. When we explained to Elisha that we had to be quiet when we went into the hospital, he sat very quietly- "driving" around the halls, making sure the unit was in the off position so we didn't disturb anyone. On the way out, after reminding him again that people were sleeping and we had to be quiet, he held his finger to his lips almost the whole way out. It was precious!
Papa Gene had a heart cath done on Monday, so Elisha and I went to Kidsville ( a great little park set up for kids of all ages in Zanesville- down along the river) to blow off some energy while Tim, his mom and siblings waited for news on Papa and the procedure to finish. We are continuing to thank God that all went well and Papa "passed" this test.
While we were there I was pushing him on the swings. Underdoggy became our thing :0) (If you don't know what an underdog is- the person pushing goes all the way under the one being pushed running out the other side) He would laugh hysterically as I would look up in the sky and all around and not find him until I turned all the way around. I love that he laughs so freely now!! Well- the humor part- My family is pretty well known for our corny sense of humor and love of puns and plays on words. We love it!! So after several (dozen????) underdoggies, he looks at me, grins that mischievous grin he has, and with a twinkle in his eye, says, "Baka????" instead of "underdoggie??????" Baka is our dog. What a hoot!! I laughed so hard I thought I might cry- way to go son!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
A Year.....
It seems so hard to believe that we met our son just one year ago last week.
I've been thinking about it for a while, and it just blows me away. What seemed so distant a year ago is now, amazingly, something I could let myself come to take for granted if I'm not careful. It seems he has always been with us, we've always been together as a family. So- here is our current family photo- along with one of our first family photos, taken just a smidge over a year ago. I will try to get more pics up soon- but they are all on the laptop (Tim's), so sometime soon, hopefully :0)

October 2007

October 2008
I've been thinking about it for a while, and it just blows me away. What seemed so distant a year ago is now, amazingly, something I could let myself come to take for granted if I'm not careful. It seems he has always been with us, we've always been together as a family. So- here is our current family photo- along with one of our first family photos, taken just a smidge over a year ago. I will try to get more pics up soon- but they are all on the laptop (Tim's), so sometime soon, hopefully :0)
October 2007
October 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
So, my fellow bloggers out there, please help me. I kinda use this format as a way to record our journey- for family and friends, but mostly for Elisha, so he'll have a great way of looking back over our journey with him to see how he's loved.
That being said, I don't know much about the "blogger world," so if someone can tell me what it means to be "tagged" I'd appreciate it ;0)
That being said, I don't know much about the "blogger world," so if someone can tell me what it means to be "tagged" I'd appreciate it ;0)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
first vacation- installment 4- Biii Cra!!!
Thursday evening we all went for a walk over to the main house. Tim was going to try to see if he could hook up to the internet, and I just needed to be out of the room :0)
We ran into Lennox, a gentleman that works for Carambola that we have seen and talked with every year when we go. He was the first person we met there in 2000, and we always look forward to seeing him.
He was delighted to meet Elisha. If you remember my "ninging" post from before, you'll remember how much he loves to play the drums (Elisha, that is). So, he has been practicing on his "air drums" every time he gets a chance. He crosses one wrist over the other and keeps a steady beat, just "lii Jayon does" (Just like Jason does....) Jason is our drummer at church, and a major source of fascination for Elisha as he watches him play. So, he is "drumming" while I was talking to Lennox- who thought it was the best thing.
Since the power was still out all over the island, he brought his family to spend the night with him. We were so pleased to be able to meet his wife and 2 girls, whom we've only heard about up to this point. They came out and we spent a few hours together, just talking and getting to know each other.
After a little while, his older daughter came over and said she saw a crab down by the swimming pool. I thought it must be a little sand crab like we had seen by the shore on the beach. So, Elisha and I joined her and her little sister and we headed over to the edge of the patio we were on and looked over to the pool. Wow. It was a big crab- probably almost a foot- if you count foot to foot and not just the body. We went down to the pool to look at it.
I felt kinda bad for this crab- it kept going further away from the water. So I thought I'd try to shoo it away, toward the beach. After a few minutes of just trying to walk behind it, I saw a broom laying over to the side of the pool. I set Elisha down behind me- about 10 feet away, next to the 2 girls. But the crab didn't want to go in the direction I tried to steer him. He headed directly behind me. Straight toward the children.
The girls screamed and then peals of laughter broke forth as they ran toward the steps we had just come down. Elisha seemed to jump out of his skin and he was screaming, too. I took off after them, and realized my poor son's screams were pure terror- no laughter coming from him. I scooped him up and held him close and assured him the crab would not hurt him. After a few minutes he finally calmed down, but the little guy who kept running away from us a few minutes earlier, was suddenly quite content to sit on my lap, snuggled very close.
He'll now tell you about the Biii Cra!! holding his arms out to the side, opening and closing his hands- imitating the claws on the front.
Friday we were able to experience a few hours of sun and fun on the beach. We then went for a ride so we could call our families and let them know we made it through and were very safe and still able to come home on Sat. It was amazing to see the damage to the trees all over the area of the island we were on. A lot of trees down, branches snapped off. Looks a lot like what the remnants of the hurricane that came through Ohio a month or so ago left behind. We were glad to be packing up and heading home :0)
We ran into Lennox, a gentleman that works for Carambola that we have seen and talked with every year when we go. He was the first person we met there in 2000, and we always look forward to seeing him.
He was delighted to meet Elisha. If you remember my "ninging" post from before, you'll remember how much he loves to play the drums (Elisha, that is). So, he has been practicing on his "air drums" every time he gets a chance. He crosses one wrist over the other and keeps a steady beat, just "lii Jayon does" (Just like Jason does....) Jason is our drummer at church, and a major source of fascination for Elisha as he watches him play. So, he is "drumming" while I was talking to Lennox- who thought it was the best thing.
Since the power was still out all over the island, he brought his family to spend the night with him. We were so pleased to be able to meet his wife and 2 girls, whom we've only heard about up to this point. They came out and we spent a few hours together, just talking and getting to know each other.
After a little while, his older daughter came over and said she saw a crab down by the swimming pool. I thought it must be a little sand crab like we had seen by the shore on the beach. So, Elisha and I joined her and her little sister and we headed over to the edge of the patio we were on and looked over to the pool. Wow. It was a big crab- probably almost a foot- if you count foot to foot and not just the body. We went down to the pool to look at it.
I felt kinda bad for this crab- it kept going further away from the water. So I thought I'd try to shoo it away, toward the beach. After a few minutes of just trying to walk behind it, I saw a broom laying over to the side of the pool. I set Elisha down behind me- about 10 feet away, next to the 2 girls. But the crab didn't want to go in the direction I tried to steer him. He headed directly behind me. Straight toward the children.
The girls screamed and then peals of laughter broke forth as they ran toward the steps we had just come down. Elisha seemed to jump out of his skin and he was screaming, too. I took off after them, and realized my poor son's screams were pure terror- no laughter coming from him. I scooped him up and held him close and assured him the crab would not hurt him. After a few minutes he finally calmed down, but the little guy who kept running away from us a few minutes earlier, was suddenly quite content to sit on my lap, snuggled very close.
He'll now tell you about the Biii Cra!! holding his arms out to the side, opening and closing his hands- imitating the claws on the front.
Friday we were able to experience a few hours of sun and fun on the beach. We then went for a ride so we could call our families and let them know we made it through and were very safe and still able to come home on Sat. It was amazing to see the damage to the trees all over the area of the island we were on. A lot of trees down, branches snapped off. Looks a lot like what the remnants of the hurricane that came through Ohio a month or so ago left behind. We were glad to be packing up and heading home :0)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
First vacation- installment 3- Omar
So, after a couple of days being able to get out a little bit- even if only to splash around in the puddles, we were settling in tues evening- Elisha had just conked out in his crib (They placed one in our room Sunday while we were out shopping for groceries :0) Yay!!) and we had a knock at the door. Hhhmmmm..... strange. We weren't expecting anyone.
"Hello??" I said.
"Guest's services," a young man's voice replied.
I peeked through the peek hole and then opened the door.
There stood a young man with a bunch of papers in his hand. He handed me one.
That's when the reality of our Caribbean vacation at the end of hurricane season hit.
The letter was from the National Weather Service. A notice that hurricane Omar had just formed a bit south of us and would most likely hit landfall sometime Wed or Thurs.
Hmmmmmm....... how interesting.
On came the TV, and, instead of the DIY channel, or Law and Order, we watched the National Weather service for several hours. The day culminated with the 2 of us joined together in heartfelt prayer for the safety of ourselves and the people on the island around us
Sooooo, off to the store we went the next morning, just to make
sure we had enough food to get us through. Wow. Talk about pandemonium. The grocery store we stopped at, whose parking lot is usually only about 1/2 full or less was packed. It was already raining and windy- sort of misting at times. We got what we came for (Tim got the very last bottle of Mountain Dew on the shelf. Whew!! we came just in time!!!! :0) lol) and headed back out to our resort.
Amazingly enough, Tim's new AT&T cell phone actually had service there. We called our parents to let them know we were OK- guess we had "more bars" :0)
The power went out at lunch time, just as I finished preparing the meal. I was so glad we stopped and got some extra candles and matches at the main house on our way back from grocery shopping. We lit the candles, served the food and sat down to a rather romantic mid afternoon meal by candle light. Then the generators kicked on- YAY!!!! As lovely as candlelight is, it was nice to be able to have the air conditioning and fans running :0) (and keep an eye on the hurricane via the Weather channel.)
The weather was eerily quiet for most of Wed. We wondered what people do that don't have the advance warning we had- you would never know what was coming. The water was calm, and if not for the rain, one would never have known the weather was any different than any other day. The electricity was quite spotty throughout the day and into the evening. There was an almost palpable feeling of something impending. We all showered early and Elisha went to sleep pretty easily. I had a very specific prayer in my mind. That Elisha would sleep through the hurricane. I didn't want him to be terrified of this place that Tim and I have come to love.
We went to bed a little early- the wind was picking up, the rain was like a severe thunderstorm, without the thunder or lightning- and the sound. Hard to describe- and this was before the hurricane even came close!! Tim got a little bit of video before it got too dark. Reminded me of the amazing winds we had here a month or so ago that made our big trees out back dance like drunken soldiers.
Around midnight, when the storm was projected to hit land, I was wakened by the sound of the door bumping. Can't think of a better word to describe it. The doors going out to the screened in porch have a brass slider that locks them into place. The outer doors are glass, the inner doors are slats. Apparently, we hadn't pushed them in tight enough. I was earnestly praying that we could tighten it enough that the winds (projected at 80-100mph) wouldn't rip the door open- smashing the glass and allowing these strong winds (along with salt water) to fill our room.
It was quite bizarre as we ran around trying to see out the windows, to see if we could see anything. The moon was full and highlighting the waves, a mere 50 feet or so from our room. We could see them gather, crash and recede. The trees swaying, whipping back and forth and the rain. Again, it was like the most severe thunderstorm you've ever seen, without the thunder and lightning. We did see a few flashes way up in the clouds, but no corresponding thunder could be heard- at least not over the noise of the wind howling around us.
The closer palm trees were thumping against the building- every now and then we'd hear a thud or a whack- hmmmm- wonder if it was a coconut? But no broken glass :0)
I am continually blessed and amazed as God shows me more and more of Himself and answers these prayers we ask. I felt such a serene peace through the night- almost an acceptance. God knows the plans he has for us- and if his plan was to take us home to be with him- it would be perfect. If it was not yet time- even better- so we can spend more time together with family here on Earth.
Elisha slept through the worst of the storm. He woke up around 2- the power was out- and it was DARK!! and Hot and Stuffy in the room. We lit a candle and I thought everyone went back to sleep. I did. Thank you, God. Any of you who know me know what a miracle that is- I am such a light sleeper the slightest thing keeps me up. Tim later told me he and Elisha tossed and turned for a few hours before falling asleep ( the firefighter in him, I'm sure- he waited until Elisha fell asleep and then extinguished the flame in the bathroom from the candle we lit). Boy, I sure was surrounded by the peace that passes all understanding. It was AMAZING!!
We slept in that morning a little, ate some breakfast, found a mop and broom, cleaning up the place, and then, if you can believe this, headed out to the beach. A lot of sand had been washed off the beach, several trees were down, but the air!! The air was clear, the sky beautiful- with a few fluffy clouds. The temperature was not quite as warm and humid
as it had been and would soon again be. The beach still had plenty of sand- and the waves were like something you'd see in Hawaii- the body surfers were actually surfing on it. We went out to our knee/thighs with Tim holding Elisha- that's all the further we (I) felt comfortable going.
Tim went out a little further after a few minutes as I held Elisha. He got slammed!! He said the undertow was amazing- sucking his feet out from beneath him, while the wave slammed over him. Elisha thought it was hysterical. "Papa BIG Wave. Boom!" "Papaw BIG Sandbox" We had fun playing on the sand for a little while, not quite ready to leave, yet tired from the waves. There was about a 2 foot drop off in the sand where the water met it. We had a blast scooping sand up, knocking sand down and just being together.
Thank you God for all your answered prayers!! Tim placed our rental car in a different spot after we got back from shopping. We discovered the tree we usually parked under had been blown over. Our rental had a few leaves stuck on it- but otherwise- no damage. YAY!!!
"Hello??" I said.
"Guest's services," a young man's voice replied.
I peeked through the peek hole and then opened the door.
There stood a young man with a bunch of papers in his hand. He handed me one.
That's when the reality of our Caribbean vacation at the end of hurricane season hit.
The letter was from the National Weather Service. A notice that hurricane Omar had just formed a bit south of us and would most likely hit landfall sometime Wed or Thurs.
Hmmmmmm....... how interesting.
On came the TV, and, instead of the DIY channel, or Law and Order, we watched the National Weather service for several hours. The day culminated with the 2 of us joined together in heartfelt prayer for the safety of ourselves and the people on the island around us
Sooooo, off to the store we went the next morning, just to make
Amazingly enough, Tim's new AT&T cell phone actually had service there. We called our parents to let them know we were OK- guess we had "more bars" :0)
The power went out at lunch time, just as I finished preparing the meal. I was so glad we stopped and got some extra candles and matches at the main house on our way back from grocery shopping. We lit the candles, served the food and sat down to a rather romantic mid afternoon meal by candle light. Then the generators kicked on- YAY!!!! As lovely as candlelight is, it was nice to be able to have the air conditioning and fans running :0) (and keep an eye on the hurricane via the Weather channel.)
The weather was eerily quiet for most of Wed. We wondered what people do that don't have the advance warning we had- you would never know what was coming. The water was calm, and if not for the rain, one would never have known the weather was any different than any other day. The electricity was quite spotty throughout the day and into the evening. There was an almost palpable feeling of something impending. We all showered early and Elisha went to sleep pretty easily. I had a very specific prayer in my mind. That Elisha would sleep through the hurricane. I didn't want him to be terrified of this place that Tim and I have come to love.
We went to bed a little early- the wind was picking up, the rain was like a severe thunderstorm, without the thunder or lightning- and the sound. Hard to describe- and this was before the hurricane even came close!! Tim got a little bit of video before it got too dark. Reminded me of the amazing winds we had here a month or so ago that made our big trees out back dance like drunken soldiers.
Around midnight, when the storm was projected to hit land, I was wakened by the sound of the door bumping. Can't think of a better word to describe it. The doors going out to the screened in porch have a brass slider that locks them into place. The outer doors are glass, the inner doors are slats. Apparently, we hadn't pushed them in tight enough. I was earnestly praying that we could tighten it enough that the winds (projected at 80-100mph) wouldn't rip the door open- smashing the glass and allowing these strong winds (along with salt water) to fill our room.
It was quite bizarre as we ran around trying to see out the windows, to see if we could see anything. The moon was full and highlighting the waves, a mere 50 feet or so from our room. We could see them gather, crash and recede. The trees swaying, whipping back and forth and the rain. Again, it was like the most severe thunderstorm you've ever seen, without the thunder and lightning. We did see a few flashes way up in the clouds, but no corresponding thunder could be heard- at least not over the noise of the wind howling around us.
The closer palm trees were thumping against the building- every now and then we'd hear a thud or a whack- hmmmm- wonder if it was a coconut? But no broken glass :0)
I am continually blessed and amazed as God shows me more and more of Himself and answers these prayers we ask. I felt such a serene peace through the night- almost an acceptance. God knows the plans he has for us- and if his plan was to take us home to be with him- it would be perfect. If it was not yet time- even better- so we can spend more time together with family here on Earth.
Elisha slept through the worst of the storm. He woke up around 2- the power was out- and it was DARK!! and Hot and Stuffy in the room. We lit a candle and I thought everyone went back to sleep. I did. Thank you, God. Any of you who know me know what a miracle that is- I am such a light sleeper the slightest thing keeps me up. Tim later told me he and Elisha tossed and turned for a few hours before falling asleep ( the firefighter in him, I'm sure- he waited until Elisha fell asleep and then extinguished the flame in the bathroom from the candle we lit). Boy, I sure was surrounded by the peace that passes all understanding. It was AMAZING!!
We slept in that morning a little, ate some breakfast, found a mop and broom, cleaning up the place, and then, if you can believe this, headed out to the beach. A lot of sand had been washed off the beach, several trees were down, but the air!! The air was clear, the sky beautiful- with a few fluffy clouds. The temperature was not quite as warm and humid
Tim went out a little further after a few minutes as I held Elisha. He got slammed!! He said the undertow was amazing- sucking his feet out from beneath him, while the wave slammed over him. Elisha thought it was hysterical. "Papa BIG Wave. Boom!" "Papaw BIG Sandbox" We had fun playing on the sand for a little while, not quite ready to leave, yet tired from the waves. There was about a 2 foot drop off in the sand where the water met it. We had a blast scooping sand up, knocking sand down and just being together.
Thank you God for all your answered prayers!! Tim placed our rental car in a different spot after we got back from shopping. We discovered the tree we usually parked under had been blown over. Our rental had a few leaves stuck on it- but otherwise- no damage. YAY!!!
First vacation- installment 2- liquid sunshine- BIG sandbox
We went to the grocery store Sunday to get supplies. We discovered how hard travel is on all of us. Ahhhh-- the challenge of navigating a new grocery store, not sure what you need for the week, with a tired family- translate- grumpy family- whiny 2 year old. Good times!!
After we put Elisha down for his nap, we realized the true sense of the "rainy season" on one of our favorite islands. The island was more lush than we had ever seen it (since our travels are usually in the Feb-April timeframe) and we were able to see plants blooming we had never seen bloom before. The temperature was a wonderful balmy upper 80 something with very high humidity- and the liquid sunshine just kept pouring down.
I was so glad I packed several things for us to do with Elisha in the room, if need be. Need be!!
We were able to get out a little on Monday. (Don't you hate these teasers?) The day before we left, Elisha and I walked over to our closest relatives, Mamaw and Papaw & Paula and Scotts's houses, to say goodbye. As we were leaving Mamaw and Papaw's Elisha wanted to stop and play in the little sand box they had there. I literally had to drag him away.
I looked down at him and had an idea. I knelt down and said something to the effect of,, "Elisha, guess what? Tomorrow we are going to a BIG sandbox- bigger than Papaw and Mamaw's sandbox." As we turned away from their house and crossed the street to our house, I told him the sand box was even bigger than all the grass in our yard (about 2 or 3 acres).
So, he kept talking about going to Papaw's BIG sandbox.
On Monday, we got there. What a new world of discovery it is to take a 2 year old to a beach for the first time. The sand crabs were full of antics, the waves rather fun. He didn't mind practicing his swimming lessons with us- and I was so thankful that God had impressed upon my heart the need for them. He didn't seem fearful of the water- but he was very cautious. He had a blast in Papa's arms!!
We found some sand toys at the resort, so Tuesday we were able to find a little secluded place and play in the BIG sandbox. I love how he says it- the BIG part. In a deep voice, eyes a little wider, leaning back a little bit- BBBBIIIIIGGGGGG!!!!!! We took a little video- will try to post it here soon.
Lots of liquid sunshine throughout the days.
After we put Elisha down for his nap, we realized the true sense of the "rainy season" on one of our favorite islands. The island was more lush than we had ever seen it (since our travels are usually in the Feb-April timeframe) and we were able to see plants blooming we had never seen bloom before. The temperature was a wonderful balmy upper 80 something with very high humidity- and the liquid sunshine just kept pouring down.
I was so glad I packed several things for us to do with Elisha in the room, if need be. Need be!!
We were able to get out a little on Monday. (Don't you hate these teasers?) The day before we left, Elisha and I walked over to our closest relatives, Mamaw and Papaw & Paula and Scotts's houses, to say goodbye. As we were leaving Mamaw and Papaw's Elisha wanted to stop and play in the little sand box they had there. I literally had to drag him away.
I looked down at him and had an idea. I knelt down and said something to the effect of,, "Elisha, guess what? Tomorrow we are going to a BIG sandbox- bigger than Papaw and Mamaw's sandbox." As we turned away from their house and crossed the street to our house, I told him the sand box was even bigger than all the grass in our yard (about 2 or 3 acres).
So, he kept talking about going to Papaw's BIG sandbox.
On Monday, we got there. What a new world of discovery it is to take a 2 year old to a beach for the first time. The sand crabs were full of antics, the waves rather fun. He didn't mind practicing his swimming lessons with us- and I was so thankful that God had impressed upon my heart the need for them. He didn't seem fearful of the water- but he was very cautious. He had a blast in Papa's arms!!
We found some sand toys at the resort, so Tuesday we were able to find a little secluded place and play in the BIG sandbox. I love how he says it- the BIG part. In a deep voice, eyes a little wider, leaning back a little bit- BBBBIIIIIGGGGGG!!!!!! We took a little video- will try to post it here soon.
Lots of liquid sunshine throughout the days.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
first vacation, installment 1- crib lessons
We went on our first "vacation" with Elisha last week. It was so much an adventure, for all of us.
I love to be prepared- Tim often will tease me about forgetting the kitchen sink as we leave for a trip, because I have tried to pack everything I may think we will need.
This trip was no different.
We went to St Croix to enjoy a week on the beach at our time share. Tim and I have been there each year since we went on our honeymoon, and have so many amazing memories there. I called at least 5 or six times in the weeks before we left to make sure we would have a crib set up in our room upon our arrival. We were scheduled to land at 10:30 pm- so I knew if it wasn't already in place, we'd not have a crib for that first night.
I even went so far as to call from Texas during our layover there.
(Do you see where this is heading?)
We arrived, and experienced our first miracle on the island- the car rental place was open!!! We were excited and felt soo blessed- they even had a free car seat available. Elisha fell fast asleep in the car on the way to the resort, and stayed asleep as we removed him from the car, went to our bungalow and got him ready for bed.
No crib.
I repeat- NO CRIB!
I was shocked, a bit bitter, a little angry, and
then, I decided I had to let it go so I could have a fun week. We pulled out the couch bed, put the cushions on top of the unbelievably thin mattress, surrounded it with a sea of pillows, covered it with a beach towel and then lovingly placed our son on the little bed in the middle.
I think I slept as much that night as I did the first night we brought him home from the orphanage. I just knew he was going to roll off. So, at 2am, when I glanced over and jumped up, instantly awake, realizing he was no longer on the little bed in the middle, I was afraid my worst fears were realized. Body shaking all over, as one wakened from a deep sleep is wont to feel, I crept over to the bed and looked all around. And there, to my great delight and an answer to prayer, lay Elisha, nestle
d in between the pillows, barely visible, still sound asleep.
I picked him up and moved him back to the center island. :0) He just rolled on his side and stayed asleep.
Around 4 or 5 am, he again had gone missing, but, afraid to move him and wake him up ( I wasn't ready to get up for the day yet) I just watched him a bit. He moved. I jumped back. He sat up, looked around, saw the cushions in the middle, climbed back onto them, and promptly fell back asleep. Aahhhhhh. Now I could lay down and sleep. Thank you, God for removing this fear.
I love to be prepared- Tim often will tease me about forgetting the kitchen sink as we leave for a trip, because I have tried to pack everything I may think we will need.
This trip was no different.
We went to St Croix to enjoy a week on the beach at our time share. Tim and I have been there each year since we went on our honeymoon, and have so many amazing memories there. I called at least 5 or six times in the weeks before we left to make sure we would have a crib set up in our room upon our arrival. We were scheduled to land at 10:30 pm- so I knew if it wasn't already in place, we'd not have a crib for that first night.
I even went so far as to call from Texas during our layover there.
(Do you see where this is heading?)
We arrived, and experienced our first miracle on the island- the car rental place was open!!! We were excited and felt soo blessed- they even had a free car seat available. Elisha fell fast asleep in the car on the way to the resort, and stayed asleep as we removed him from the car, went to our bungalow and got him ready for bed.
No crib.
I repeat- NO CRIB!
I was shocked, a bit bitter, a little angry, and
I think I slept as much that night as I did the first night we brought him home from the orphanage. I just knew he was going to roll off. So, at 2am, when I glanced over and jumped up, instantly awake, realizing he was no longer on the little bed in the middle, I was afraid my worst fears were realized. Body shaking all over, as one wakened from a deep sleep is wont to feel, I crept over to the bed and looked all around. And there, to my great delight and an answer to prayer, lay Elisha, nestle
I picked him up and moved him back to the center island. :0) He just rolled on his side and stayed asleep.
Around 4 or 5 am, he again had gone missing, but, afraid to move him and wake him up ( I wasn't ready to get up for the day yet) I just watched him a bit. He moved. I jumped back. He sat up, looked around, saw the cushions in the middle, climbed back onto them, and promptly fell back asleep. Aahhhhhh. Now I could lay down and sleep. Thank you, God for removing this fear.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
It's the little things...
There are so many cute and funny little moments that go into this job we call parenting. It has been fun to watch as Elisha begins to grasp more of the English language- and I love that he realizes that there are words on the pages now in the books we read. Sometimes he wants to read word for word and have me point to the word, sometimes we make up stories, staying with the theme of the story, but adding in additionals- like the butterfly on the flower, the fox running past the tomb- those types of things.
Someone asked which Bible picture book we were reading the other day- he loves them all- but the particular one we have in the bedroom now is an American Bible Society toddler bible- I saw it at Walmart yesterday.
We have been reading from this particular book for several months now. As time goes by, different stories catch his fancy. When we first came home- Jeje mama was one of his favorites. Then we began to spend more time with other stories. Yesterday we got to the page where the picture of the nativity is. Of course we pointed out the rooster and crowed. The cow moood, the cat meowed, Joseph was holding the staff you touch to wawa, etc.
I pointed to Baby Jesus. "Who is this?" "Baby Jeje" and I moved on to point out the star ( he loves to sing the Hallelujah chorus) but he said," Kaka- poopoo" I paused, looked down at him- he had already gone potty before we started- "do you have to go poopoo?" "Baby Jeje kaka, Mama"
I was able to see the story through new eyes. Where once he would really look at the pictures here before, lately he had been skimming over the pages with baby Jesus laying in his manger with Mary and Joseph on the first page, the shepherds on the second page and the wise men on the third page. Know I know why!! He thought baby Jesus was on a potty chair!! And, you know, after he pointed it out, I could totally see why he thought so. Guess he figured he'd give him some privacy ;0)
Sooo, I explained that Jesus didn't even have a room, he shared the barn with the animals. And the cows, the donkey and sheep were more than happy to give him the little manger they used for food so he could have a bed. I told him the manger was just like Elisha's crib- where little baby Jesus would sleep, only not nearly as nice. He caught on really quickly- now every time we read it, he points to the crib and says, "Baby Jeje crib?"
The moments. Each and everyone. They are like the bits of scenery that flash by on your journey. Sometimes you are really looking and you see something so sweet. Other times you get so caught up with driving and "getting there," where ever there may be, that you miss those sweet memories.
God, please help us learn to savor the moments. You've given us care of these little ones for such a small amount of time. I pray you help us to make the most of every moment you've given us, sorting out what is really important and lasting and not trifling our time away on unimportant matters. Give us your eyes to see- our vision isn't very good- even our hindsight is only 20/20 :)
Thank you for family and friends, those who know us so well and continue to love and encourage us. Thank you for the time we have to spend here on earth with the other amazing folks you've placed around us.
Someone asked which Bible picture book we were reading the other day- he loves them all- but the particular one we have in the bedroom now is an American Bible Society toddler bible- I saw it at Walmart yesterday.
We have been reading from this particular book for several months now. As time goes by, different stories catch his fancy. When we first came home- Jeje mama was one of his favorites. Then we began to spend more time with other stories. Yesterday we got to the page where the picture of the nativity is. Of course we pointed out the rooster and crowed. The cow moood, the cat meowed, Joseph was holding the staff you touch to wawa, etc.
I pointed to Baby Jesus. "Who is this?" "Baby Jeje" and I moved on to point out the star ( he loves to sing the Hallelujah chorus) but he said," Kaka- poopoo" I paused, looked down at him- he had already gone potty before we started- "do you have to go poopoo?" "Baby Jeje kaka, Mama"
I was able to see the story through new eyes. Where once he would really look at the pictures here before, lately he had been skimming over the pages with baby Jesus laying in his manger with Mary and Joseph on the first page, the shepherds on the second page and the wise men on the third page. Know I know why!! He thought baby Jesus was on a potty chair!! And, you know, after he pointed it out, I could totally see why he thought so. Guess he figured he'd give him some privacy ;0)
Sooo, I explained that Jesus didn't even have a room, he shared the barn with the animals. And the cows, the donkey and sheep were more than happy to give him the little manger they used for food so he could have a bed. I told him the manger was just like Elisha's crib- where little baby Jesus would sleep, only not nearly as nice. He caught on really quickly- now every time we read it, he points to the crib and says, "Baby Jeje crib?"
The moments. Each and everyone. They are like the bits of scenery that flash by on your journey. Sometimes you are really looking and you see something so sweet. Other times you get so caught up with driving and "getting there," where ever there may be, that you miss those sweet memories.
God, please help us learn to savor the moments. You've given us care of these little ones for such a small amount of time. I pray you help us to make the most of every moment you've given us, sorting out what is really important and lasting and not trifling our time away on unimportant matters. Give us your eyes to see- our vision isn't very good- even our hindsight is only 20/20 :)
Thank you for family and friends, those who know us so well and continue to love and encourage us. Thank you for the time we have to spend here on earth with the other amazing folks you've placed around us.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Poppy and other amazing adventures of a two year old....
So, you've all enjoyed laughing with me about my inaugural "Mommy", so I only feel it fitting to share "the other half" of the story. The same week he began calling me "Mommy," Tim was gone quite a bit, preparing for the chicken bar-b-q at the fire department.
One afternoon, while he was gone, Elisha was standing by the back door, looking wistfully out to where Tim's car usually sits. He does this when Tim is at work, too, asking where Papa's car is. This time he looks out, and I hear him say, "Papa car?" Then I hear a lower, sweeter voice, "Poppy???" I guess this is "elementary, my dear Watson" that if Mama becomes Mommy in America, Papa..... you guessed it..... Poppy. Even though spoken the same- it doesn't quite conjure the same feelings, does it?
So, he did the same thing with Poppy. "Poppy????....... Poppy????..... Here Poppy, poppy, poppy.... smock, smock.... "
Again, trying so hard not to laugh aloud and encourage this, I gently admonished him that we only call our dogs or animals that way.....
I mentioned other amazing adventures......
We received many great toddler books before we went to get Elisha. I am sooooo very thankful- He loves to read!! The library was such a huge success.
This week he's begun his comparative analysis of the literature he is reading. (That's for you, sis- I know you'll love that one:0) You think I'm kidding- I am very serious. We have a little Bible book he has been reading. Every night. And at nap. I can read it to him while Tim is holding him and the book and I'm across the room..... but they are amazing stories, and, thankfully, Mama has not grown tired of the book at all.
Here is where the analysis I mentioned comes in. He used to blow by some of the more "boring" stories, racing the the adventurous ones- like David and Goliath. Each time we read it, I try to bring out a different fact about the story. Well, last week we went a little more in depth with Moses and his leading of the nation of Israel. Usually it goes something like this.....
"And who is this, Elisha?"
"Baby Momma Mama"
"That's right, very good!! That is baby Moses' Mama" And the page is quickly turned and Mama tries to keep up, so the next 4 pages go by so fast, all Mama gets out is, "And then he grew up and became a shepherd and led the people thru the desert, thru the water, Yeah Moses!! Ok- on to David and Goliath....."
Well, last week I backed up and added the part about the Israelites being trapped and God told Moses to touch the water with his staff, pointing to the staff in Moses' hand.
"So Moses reached down and touched the staff to the water- and guess what happened??? See the picture of the water? The water parted and one side went up this way," large, dramatic hand gestures, "and the other side went up this way." More dramatic gestures and sound effects. Well- this made quite an impression on him.
We got to the next story about David and Goliath. Of course, David, being a shepherd, has a staff in the picture. So Elisha stops, turns the page back a couple of pages to Moses, back to David- "Sta..... Sta..... tou wawa..." followed by dramatic rendition of waves parting, complete with Mama's sound effects.
Well, not quite. "No, honey, that is a shepherd's staff- it didn't part the water."
On to the story of Baby Jesus. Guess what Joseph has in his hands? Unfortunately, the illustrators gave Joseph the same staff as the one they gave Moses. He is most convinced, and will turn back as many times as I'll let him to show me that it is, indeed, the same staff.
Now that he has a taste of this comparative literature style, he is using it on other stories. It's like he's become a little fact checker or story line follower over night. He reads the story of the animals going into the ark. When we get to the picture of the ark with all the animals coming out under the big rainbow, he stops, flips back a few pages and compares the pictures of going in, coming out- "on, du, on, du, on, du" (one, two, one, two, one, two)
I just love that he's "getting it" and am doing crazy happy summersaults and handsprings in my mind (sorry- not that limber now to be able to do them in body..... :0P)
I am blown away at what this little guy is doing in my heart. Can you imagine that what I am feeling is not even an inkling of what God feels for me? The pastor of the church we went to today said that we can not really know how to love until we are loved. Thank you, God, that you give the shining example of perfect complete love- even the parts we don't let anyone else know about- you know and you love us in spite of it and through it. Your love is amazing and I pray we all begin to know your love more!!
One afternoon, while he was gone, Elisha was standing by the back door, looking wistfully out to where Tim's car usually sits. He does this when Tim is at work, too, asking where Papa's car is. This time he looks out, and I hear him say, "Papa car?" Then I hear a lower, sweeter voice, "Poppy???" I guess this is "elementary, my dear Watson" that if Mama becomes Mommy in America, Papa..... you guessed it..... Poppy. Even though spoken the same- it doesn't quite conjure the same feelings, does it?
So, he did the same thing with Poppy. "Poppy????....... Poppy????..... Here Poppy, poppy, poppy.... smock, smock.... "
Again, trying so hard not to laugh aloud and encourage this, I gently admonished him that we only call our dogs or animals that way.....
I mentioned other amazing adventures......
We received many great toddler books before we went to get Elisha. I am sooooo very thankful- He loves to read!! The library was such a huge success.
This week he's begun his comparative analysis of the literature he is reading. (That's for you, sis- I know you'll love that one:0) You think I'm kidding- I am very serious. We have a little Bible book he has been reading. Every night. And at nap. I can read it to him while Tim is holding him and the book and I'm across the room..... but they are amazing stories, and, thankfully, Mama has not grown tired of the book at all.
Here is where the analysis I mentioned comes in. He used to blow by some of the more "boring" stories, racing the the adventurous ones- like David and Goliath. Each time we read it, I try to bring out a different fact about the story. Well, last week we went a little more in depth with Moses and his leading of the nation of Israel. Usually it goes something like this.....
"And who is this, Elisha?"
"Baby Momma Mama"
"That's right, very good!! That is baby Moses' Mama" And the page is quickly turned and Mama tries to keep up, so the next 4 pages go by so fast, all Mama gets out is, "And then he grew up and became a shepherd and led the people thru the desert, thru the water, Yeah Moses!! Ok- on to David and Goliath....."
Well, last week I backed up and added the part about the Israelites being trapped and God told Moses to touch the water with his staff, pointing to the staff in Moses' hand.
"So Moses reached down and touched the staff to the water- and guess what happened??? See the picture of the water? The water parted and one side went up this way," large, dramatic hand gestures, "and the other side went up this way." More dramatic gestures and sound effects. Well- this made quite an impression on him.
We got to the next story about David and Goliath. Of course, David, being a shepherd, has a staff in the picture. So Elisha stops, turns the page back a couple of pages to Moses, back to David- "Sta..... Sta..... tou wawa..." followed by dramatic rendition of waves parting, complete with Mama's sound effects.
Well, not quite. "No, honey, that is a shepherd's staff- it didn't part the water."
On to the story of Baby Jesus. Guess what Joseph has in his hands? Unfortunately, the illustrators gave Joseph the same staff as the one they gave Moses. He is most convinced, and will turn back as many times as I'll let him to show me that it is, indeed, the same staff.
Now that he has a taste of this comparative literature style, he is using it on other stories. It's like he's become a little fact checker or story line follower over night. He reads the story of the animals going into the ark. When we get to the picture of the ark with all the animals coming out under the big rainbow, he stops, flips back a few pages and compares the pictures of going in, coming out- "on, du, on, du, on, du" (one, two, one, two, one, two)
I just love that he's "getting it" and am doing crazy happy summersaults and handsprings in my mind (sorry- not that limber now to be able to do them in body..... :0P)
I am blown away at what this little guy is doing in my heart. Can you imagine that what I am feeling is not even an inkling of what God feels for me? The pastor of the church we went to today said that we can not really know how to love until we are loved. Thank you, God, that you give the shining example of perfect complete love- even the parts we don't let anyone else know about- you know and you love us in spite of it and through it. Your love is amazing and I pray we all begin to know your love more!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Last week Elisha started trying out "Mommy" on me. My Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law call me Mommy- as do many of our friends- when asking Elisha how I am doing. I think the icing on the cake was the library book he checked out- it talked about Elmo's Mommy.
So, he was sitting in the bathroom last week reading his books. He began to yell, "Mama!!,,,, Mama!!" and then, after a brief pause, in a very soft, kind of subdued voice, he quietly, almost reverently said, "Mommmeeeee?" My little heart just about melted. It was so incredibly sweet.
Then he, building up confidence, and before I could reach the door said, " Here Mommee, Mommeee, Mommmeee. smock, smock" ( Read the last smock, smock as how you call a dog....kind of a kissing sound...... )
As laughter bubbled up within me, I stuck my head around the corner, and lovingly said, "Sweetie, you can call Mama Mommy if you want- but we only call Baka (our dog) that way......"
Good times......
So, he was sitting in the bathroom last week reading his books. He began to yell, "Mama!!,,,, Mama!!" and then, after a brief pause, in a very soft, kind of subdued voice, he quietly, almost reverently said, "Mommmeeeee?" My little heart just about melted. It was so incredibly sweet.
Then he, building up confidence, and before I could reach the door said, " Here Mommee, Mommeee, Mommmeee. smock, smock" ( Read the last smock, smock as how you call a dog....kind of a kissing sound...... )
As laughter bubbled up within me, I stuck my head around the corner, and lovingly said, "Sweetie, you can call Mama Mommy if you want- but we only call Baka (our dog) that way......"
Good times......
Saturday, September 27, 2008
American Citizenship
We live in a very rural community. The little village close to us, where the fire department Tim volunteers is at, is having their community days this weekend. Elisha and I went down today and joined Tim's sister and her family and friends in watching the parade they had.
It seemed to take a long time to get started- and the kids were beginning to get a little antsy. I noticed most of the children were carrying their plastic grocery sacks. I had forgotten for a moment about the candy being tossed out. It's been a while since I've been to a parade.
Then, we began to hear the marching band drums sound- and maybe the Medic siren. My brother-in-law was holding Elisha so he could see over everyone's heads and I was describing what was happening in the parade to him. I don't know if it is because today is our 6 month anniversary of coming home, or if I have just become so much more of an emotional person, but as I saw the Veterans coming by, starting the parade, I was choked up.
I looked over to Elisha and pointed them out- "Look, Honey," I said. "Do you see the men carrying the flags? They are very brave men that fought for us so we could have our freedom and live in America." I was battling my emotions so strongly at this point I couldn't say anything for a few seconds. I was afraid I'd dissolve in tears!! "Want to clap for them?" And my little boy, 6 months a citizen, clapped for these brave men.

I pointed to the American Flag-"Do you see that flag? It is the flag of our country- the flag that represents all they fought for and died for. The next flag...."I paused for a second- it was a black flag- and I couldn't see what was on it. My Brother-in-law, who served as a Marine, gently whispered back,"It's the POW/MIA flag." Gritting my teeth to stop the emotion about to overwhelm me, I said to Elisha, "and that black flag represents all the friends those brave men had who didn't make it home. " I had to pause, cause I knew I couldn't continue for a moment.
I began thinking about all the brave men and women fighting in other countries. Imagine. Some day, a mother in another country will have the freedom to hold her little boy next to her and tell him about how some very brave people came and fought so valiantly for them, so they could also be free.
As the parade continued, there was a float that went by passing out American flags. Now I couldn't contain my tears. I looked over at my Sister-in-law, eyes red rimmed (I'm sure) and spilling over tears as I said,"Do you realize Elisha has been a citizen for 6 months- TODAY!!!! And he has been given an American flag. How appropriate for our celebration!!"
So- I thank you- all you who serve our country so proudly (and I include the wives, children, parents- all those who are left behind, praying, worrying, missing your sons, daughters, spouses, moms and dads, aunts, uncles and grandparents- and I pray that all we as Americans, together, will remember to thank you- to show you the respect you deserve and make you feel the honor we should be giving you. Thank you for your sacrifices to make our country safe and allow us all the freedoms we have. Thank you for making this a place that we can raise our son in.
And thank you, GOD, for being with us every step of the way. Without you, we could do nothing. Thank you for your watch over us and your blessing. May we all continue to look to you, the author and perfecter of our faith!!
Thank you for this dream that seemed to take so long- but now seems a blur- that you have answered in so magnificent a way- thank you for our son. WOW- can you believe that six months ago was the first night Elisha slept in his crib- the day that God knew about all along!! Thank you, GOD!!!
It seemed to take a long time to get started- and the kids were beginning to get a little antsy. I noticed most of the children were carrying their plastic grocery sacks. I had forgotten for a moment about the candy being tossed out. It's been a while since I've been to a parade.
Then, we began to hear the marching band drums sound- and maybe the Medic siren. My brother-in-law was holding Elisha so he could see over everyone's heads and I was describing what was happening in the parade to him. I don't know if it is because today is our 6 month anniversary of coming home, or if I have just become so much more of an emotional person, but as I saw the Veterans coming by, starting the parade, I was choked up.
I looked over to Elisha and pointed them out- "Look, Honey," I said. "Do you see the men carrying the flags? They are very brave men that fought for us so we could have our freedom and live in America." I was battling my emotions so strongly at this point I couldn't say anything for a few seconds. I was afraid I'd dissolve in tears!! "Want to clap for them?" And my little boy, 6 months a citizen, clapped for these brave men.

I pointed to the American Flag-"Do you see that flag? It is the flag of our country- the flag that represents all they fought for and died for. The next flag...."I paused for a second- it was a black flag- and I couldn't see what was on it. My Brother-in-law, who served as a Marine, gently whispered back,"It's the POW/MIA flag." Gritting my teeth to stop the emotion about to overwhelm me, I said to Elisha, "and that black flag represents all the friends those brave men had who didn't make it home. " I had to pause, cause I knew I couldn't continue for a moment.
I began thinking about all the brave men and women fighting in other countries. Imagine. Some day, a mother in another country will have the freedom to hold her little boy next to her and tell him about how some very brave people came and fought so valiantly for them, so they could also be free.
As the parade continued, there was a float that went by passing out American flags. Now I couldn't contain my tears. I looked over at my Sister-in-law, eyes red rimmed (I'm sure) and spilling over tears as I said,"Do you realize Elisha has been a citizen for 6 months- TODAY!!!! And he has been given an American flag. How appropriate for our celebration!!"
So- I thank you- all you who serve our country so proudly (and I include the wives, children, parents- all those who are left behind, praying, worrying, missing your sons, daughters, spouses, moms and dads, aunts, uncles and grandparents- and I pray that all we as Americans, together, will remember to thank you- to show you the respect you deserve and make you feel the honor we should be giving you. Thank you for your sacrifices to make our country safe and allow us all the freedoms we have. Thank you for making this a place that we can raise our son in.
And thank you, GOD, for being with us every step of the way. Without you, we could do nothing. Thank you for your watch over us and your blessing. May we all continue to look to you, the author and perfecter of our faith!!
Thank you for this dream that seemed to take so long- but now seems a blur- that you have answered in so magnificent a way- thank you for our son. WOW- can you believe that six months ago was the first night Elisha slept in his crib- the day that God knew about all along!! Thank you, GOD!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pictures !!
At long last- some pics......... These are of Elisha getting ready for vacation....

He's got the floppy beach hat down.....

Now he's ready for some time in the sun.... and look- drinking out of a big boy cup!! No sippie!!

Can't you see how much fun he's having??? (this was lesson number 2- he cried most of the lesson- unless he was told to do something, which he did and then started crying again. )

Here he is getting ready to swim toward the wall.
As I mentioned before, by the end of the 4 weeks of lessons, he was having a blast and laughing and enjoying every minute of it. He was so proud that he could get his "air wet" meaning his hair. Tim and I are hoping for great weather as we travel south so Elisha can get his first view of the ocean.... and the sand.....And Tim and I will see how much we've learned about caring for our little guy if we get rained in all week.... another hotel room for a week.... but everyone speaks English here... including Elisha now :0)
He's got the floppy beach hat down.....
Now he's ready for some time in the sun.... and look- drinking out of a big boy cup!! No sippie!!
Can't you see how much fun he's having??? (this was lesson number 2- he cried most of the lesson- unless he was told to do something, which he did and then started crying again. )
Here he is getting ready to swim toward the wall.
As I mentioned before, by the end of the 4 weeks of lessons, he was having a blast and laughing and enjoying every minute of it. He was so proud that he could get his "air wet" meaning his hair. Tim and I are hoping for great weather as we travel south so Elisha can get his first view of the ocean.... and the sand.....And Tim and I will see how much we've learned about caring for our little guy if we get rained in all week.... another hotel room for a week.... but everyone speaks English here... including Elisha now :0)
Friday, September 19, 2008
swimming, ninging and life lessons
It has been a while- so much stuff going on- feeling like I'm packing everything for a summer into the last few weeks.....
My first Mops meeting officially as a mom and not a nursery worker- Elisha did great and loved it, too!! Play dates with my best friend, meeting new moms, gathering our final produce from the garden, clean up after our wind storm..... Ahhh the joys of summer- here are some details:
Well, swimming lessons are officially over. By the last night, as you all have already guessed, I'm sure, he was cool with all of it. He went under water, he blew bubbles, he got his hair wet, jumped in, kicked his feet, and, over all, had a blast.
Tim and his dad were able to go with us to swimming lessons on Tuesday. Elisha did well that night, also, and it was so much fun to watch these 3 generations all taking it in together.
Sunday was a pretty amazing day. Elisha actually didn't cry as we entered the nursery and had a great time playing with all his friends there. I had the lovely lady in charge of the nursery sign him in, since that seems to be when he starts crying. We went in to use the "little" potty in the nursery, and as I was getting his snack out and his drink ready, she patted him on the back... Tada.... name tag in place. My friend Dennis was there watching and laughing... telling us how "smooth" we were :) Lol!
Sunday evening was pretty amazing. We got the remnants of the hurricane. Wow! The huge trees behind our house were truly singing and praising God in a very, very, very charismatic way!! almost touching ground on either side!! I went out to get the little doggie in at one point, and we heard a loud snap, crash and then a big house shaking boom as an elderly elm came crashing down. Thank you, God, for guiding its fall. It took out a couple of other limbs in our woods out back, but didn't come near the house and was able to fall down to the ground right where we would have tried to place it if we were dropping it- the tree is longer than our house!! So, Elisha has been going around telling everyone this week, "big tree fall down- go BOOMM!!"
He was pretty scared, but calmed down as I held him and began talking about the trees dancing and singing in the wind for God. Tim's parents and sister and her family came over and we watched this bizarre dance take place behind our house from our back porch. It is quite awe inspiring, and I am sooo thankful that we were able to come away with minimal damage.
The power was knocked out, as it seems to be for sooo many areas right now. I was so thankful for Tim's preparedness and foresight in getting us an automatic starting natural gas generator. It's not big enough to run everything in the house- but it made it very easy and nice for us- and we were able to hook up his sister's fridge to it, also.
I am learning more and more every day how important family is. I grew up in PA with just my parents and siblings and our church family- so it is very different for me to have all my neighbors be Tim's (and now my) family. In fact- of the 4 houses we can see easily from our front porch, only 1 belongs to someone outside the family. I was so glad that my wonderful hubby was home and able to take care of all us womenfolk on the "ranch".
We had Tim's parents over for dinner Monday evening. Tim's sister and her 2 children came over later, after their lessons in town were complete so they could have a hot shower- and some yummy chili with us, too!! They arrived just as we put Elisha to bed. I was so amazed and proud of how quiet my niece and nephew were.
But at one point Elisha heard a sound and started crying. I went up to get him and took him potty. I was sooo hoping he wouldn't guess his cousins were downstairs- then, I feared, he would not go back to sleep. We could hear the spoons hitting and scraping the bowls- Elisha said, "Papa eat cake?" I said, chuckling to myself, "Does that sound like Papa eating cake?" "Da," he said. "Lisha eat cake?" "Maybe tomorrow," I said.
Phew, he went right back to sleep, and we had quite a laugh about it.
The power came back to us on Tuesday evening- Yeah for us!! I feel much compassion for the many around us who are still without power. Though the weather has been wonderful and negated the need for air conditioning or heat, the food stuffs have not been so happy.
We found out Monday that my best friend when I had lived in New Concord lost her mother suddenly. I was sooo grieved by this. My friend and I had lost touch with each other- I guess I should also mention, she is now my cousin by marriage, too- and hadn't really spoken much lately. She, newly married, me newly a mom. So, Elisha and I went over Wed morning early to get a chance to express our love and condolences to her and her family before the funeral. I am so glad we did.
We arrived an hour early- even before most of the family. I went up to see Helen and say goodbye one final time. Elisha was in my arms, and for a few minutes was very still. Unusual for my busy little boy. He just looked and looked at Helen and then at me, and I could see a question in his eyes, like- hmmm what's going on here- something doesn't seem quite right.
I looked at him and said this is just Helen's body- everything she is and that we know about her is in Heaven with Jesus right now- just her body has been left behind. Pretty complex stuff for a 2 year old!! He looked at me for a second, as if processing what I had just said. Then he smiled and said, "Ninging?" I said, "What?" He repeated, "Ninging Jeejee?" Oh my!! I almost cried. "Yes, honey," I said. "I'm sure she is singing with Jesus and all the angels right now." So he repeated it again- "Ninging" as if that explained everything. Ahh, the faith of a child. I am seeing it more clearly each day.
Well, I've rambled enough. Hopefully soon we'll be able to update the pictures- just wanted to get a post up while I had a second so I could get all this down before I forget it.
I covet your prayers for a young friend of mine. She is a fellow adoptive mom of a little guy from the same orphanage we adopted our son from. She has done an amazing amount of work with our adoption agency's chat group to inform all of us what the journey is like- and was able to help us sooo much in our own journey to bring Elisha home. She and her husband have gone on to adopt 2 more from Korea or Vietnam. As I type this she is in surgery to have a cancerous tumor removed from her kidney. She has several other sites that the cancer has metastasized to, making the medical diagnosis pretty bleak. She is such an amazing woman, and is constantly glorifying God even through this dark valley. I'd ask you to join us in praying for this family.
Thank you God for the time you give us here on earth. Thank you for our friends and family and for forming families in so many unique ways. Thank you for the health you give us and the comfort you give when we no longer have that health. Thank you for peace and for the hope that goes beyond anything we can ever dream or imagine- the hope we have in you!!
My first Mops meeting officially as a mom and not a nursery worker- Elisha did great and loved it, too!! Play dates with my best friend, meeting new moms, gathering our final produce from the garden, clean up after our wind storm..... Ahhh the joys of summer- here are some details:
Well, swimming lessons are officially over. By the last night, as you all have already guessed, I'm sure, he was cool with all of it. He went under water, he blew bubbles, he got his hair wet, jumped in, kicked his feet, and, over all, had a blast.
Tim and his dad were able to go with us to swimming lessons on Tuesday. Elisha did well that night, also, and it was so much fun to watch these 3 generations all taking it in together.
Sunday was a pretty amazing day. Elisha actually didn't cry as we entered the nursery and had a great time playing with all his friends there. I had the lovely lady in charge of the nursery sign him in, since that seems to be when he starts crying. We went in to use the "little" potty in the nursery, and as I was getting his snack out and his drink ready, she patted him on the back... Tada.... name tag in place. My friend Dennis was there watching and laughing... telling us how "smooth" we were :) Lol!
Sunday evening was pretty amazing. We got the remnants of the hurricane. Wow! The huge trees behind our house were truly singing and praising God in a very, very, very charismatic way!! almost touching ground on either side!! I went out to get the little doggie in at one point, and we heard a loud snap, crash and then a big house shaking boom as an elderly elm came crashing down. Thank you, God, for guiding its fall. It took out a couple of other limbs in our woods out back, but didn't come near the house and was able to fall down to the ground right where we would have tried to place it if we were dropping it- the tree is longer than our house!! So, Elisha has been going around telling everyone this week, "big tree fall down- go BOOMM!!"
He was pretty scared, but calmed down as I held him and began talking about the trees dancing and singing in the wind for God. Tim's parents and sister and her family came over and we watched this bizarre dance take place behind our house from our back porch. It is quite awe inspiring, and I am sooo thankful that we were able to come away with minimal damage.
The power was knocked out, as it seems to be for sooo many areas right now. I was so thankful for Tim's preparedness and foresight in getting us an automatic starting natural gas generator. It's not big enough to run everything in the house- but it made it very easy and nice for us- and we were able to hook up his sister's fridge to it, also.
I am learning more and more every day how important family is. I grew up in PA with just my parents and siblings and our church family- so it is very different for me to have all my neighbors be Tim's (and now my) family. In fact- of the 4 houses we can see easily from our front porch, only 1 belongs to someone outside the family. I was so glad that my wonderful hubby was home and able to take care of all us womenfolk on the "ranch".
We had Tim's parents over for dinner Monday evening. Tim's sister and her 2 children came over later, after their lessons in town were complete so they could have a hot shower- and some yummy chili with us, too!! They arrived just as we put Elisha to bed. I was so amazed and proud of how quiet my niece and nephew were.
But at one point Elisha heard a sound and started crying. I went up to get him and took him potty. I was sooo hoping he wouldn't guess his cousins were downstairs- then, I feared, he would not go back to sleep. We could hear the spoons hitting and scraping the bowls- Elisha said, "Papa eat cake?" I said, chuckling to myself, "Does that sound like Papa eating cake?" "Da," he said. "Lisha eat cake?" "Maybe tomorrow," I said.
Phew, he went right back to sleep, and we had quite a laugh about it.
The power came back to us on Tuesday evening- Yeah for us!! I feel much compassion for the many around us who are still without power. Though the weather has been wonderful and negated the need for air conditioning or heat, the food stuffs have not been so happy.
We found out Monday that my best friend when I had lived in New Concord lost her mother suddenly. I was sooo grieved by this. My friend and I had lost touch with each other- I guess I should also mention, she is now my cousin by marriage, too- and hadn't really spoken much lately. She, newly married, me newly a mom. So, Elisha and I went over Wed morning early to get a chance to express our love and condolences to her and her family before the funeral. I am so glad we did.
We arrived an hour early- even before most of the family. I went up to see Helen and say goodbye one final time. Elisha was in my arms, and for a few minutes was very still. Unusual for my busy little boy. He just looked and looked at Helen and then at me, and I could see a question in his eyes, like- hmmm what's going on here- something doesn't seem quite right.
I looked at him and said this is just Helen's body- everything she is and that we know about her is in Heaven with Jesus right now- just her body has been left behind. Pretty complex stuff for a 2 year old!! He looked at me for a second, as if processing what I had just said. Then he smiled and said, "Ninging?" I said, "What?" He repeated, "Ninging Jeejee?" Oh my!! I almost cried. "Yes, honey," I said. "I'm sure she is singing with Jesus and all the angels right now." So he repeated it again- "Ninging" as if that explained everything. Ahh, the faith of a child. I am seeing it more clearly each day.
Well, I've rambled enough. Hopefully soon we'll be able to update the pictures- just wanted to get a post up while I had a second so I could get all this down before I forget it.
I covet your prayers for a young friend of mine. She is a fellow adoptive mom of a little guy from the same orphanage we adopted our son from. She has done an amazing amount of work with our adoption agency's chat group to inform all of us what the journey is like- and was able to help us sooo much in our own journey to bring Elisha home. She and her husband have gone on to adopt 2 more from Korea or Vietnam. As I type this she is in surgery to have a cancerous tumor removed from her kidney. She has several other sites that the cancer has metastasized to, making the medical diagnosis pretty bleak. She is such an amazing woman, and is constantly glorifying God even through this dark valley. I'd ask you to join us in praying for this family.
Thank you God for the time you give us here on earth. Thank you for our friends and family and for forming families in so many unique ways. Thank you for the health you give us and the comfort you give when we no longer have that health. Thank you for peace and for the hope that goes beyond anything we can ever dream or imagine- the hope we have in you!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
6 month Mama initiation
Seems so hard to believe that 6 months ago was my first day as a mom. The first clothes change, the first car ride, the first puking, the first bath, the first meal, the first night to get to watch him as he slept so peacefully. What a profoundly amazing night of moments!!
I remember the catch in our breaths as we stood there together at the side of his crib, me slowly reaching over and placing my hand in Tim's, watching his chest slowly rising and falling and the realization hit. We have a son. We have become a family :0)
Ohhhh, but the possibilities for his life. I spent so much time praying for our son, our family, Tim and myself and all that we would need to do to give Elisha the best possible home to grow up in. How amazing to watch him and realize the possibilities are limitless.
It has been such a joy to watch him as he grows and changes soo much every day. Of course there are difficult moments- if there weren't, this would be a storybook instead of real life. Learning to keep the boundaries we have to set, even when we are too tired to care, loving through the difficult moments- these and many other things we are learning are the backbones of being parents, giving Elisha the security to grow and spread his wings wide and take off... when the time is right.
But, as a very good friend once pointed out, all those challenging moments fade, and the joy of the childhood is what you remember. So, I figure- I'll try to find all the joy I can now and maybe leave some of the "challenging" moments behind. Laugh now... and later, instead of just later. Remember that these days when he needs and wants me are quite limited as far as a lifetime goes- so I am trying to savor each and every moment. Thank you for sharing them with me.
I remember the catch in our breaths as we stood there together at the side of his crib, me slowly reaching over and placing my hand in Tim's, watching his chest slowly rising and falling and the realization hit. We have a son. We have become a family :0)
Ohhhh, but the possibilities for his life. I spent so much time praying for our son, our family, Tim and myself and all that we would need to do to give Elisha the best possible home to grow up in. How amazing to watch him and realize the possibilities are limitless.
It has been such a joy to watch him as he grows and changes soo much every day. Of course there are difficult moments- if there weren't, this would be a storybook instead of real life. Learning to keep the boundaries we have to set, even when we are too tired to care, loving through the difficult moments- these and many other things we are learning are the backbones of being parents, giving Elisha the security to grow and spread his wings wide and take off... when the time is right.
But, as a very good friend once pointed out, all those challenging moments fade, and the joy of the childhood is what you remember. So, I figure- I'll try to find all the joy I can now and maybe leave some of the "challenging" moments behind. Laugh now... and later, instead of just later. Remember that these days when he needs and wants me are quite limited as far as a lifetime goes- so I am trying to savor each and every moment. Thank you for sharing them with me.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Swimming lesson update
Swimming lesson number 4 was tonight.
Swimming lesson number 1- he began to cry for Mama after about 25 minutes.
Swimming lesson number 2- Tim came with us- he began crying for me as I'm handing him over to go in the water. He cried almost the entire time- only pausing to blow bubbles when instructed.
Swimming lesson number 3- he begins say, "No, no, no, nooo," as we are walking through the double doors, and cries the ENTIRE time- again, only pausing for brief periods as he is instructed to blow bubbles. Only he and a little girl are there this night- she is 4 and is also crying for the last 1/2 of the lesson. His brave swimming instructor!!
Swimming lesson number 4- tonight. He begins to say, "No, no, Nooooo, Mama," as we turn from the main road and begin to drive up the hill toward the school where the lessons are. By the time we turn into the school, he is crying in earnest. He pretty much cried the entire time we were waiting to go in.
Then Theresa pulled out a ball and 2 dolphins (small plastic toys). After a short period of time, Elisha was having so much fun playing with the ball and dolphins with the other children, he forgot he was not having fun- 'cause he was having a blast!! He ended the lesson in flying colors. Hoping this is a harbinger of things to come :0) Yeah, Theresa!!! Yeah, Elisha!!
Funny note- the other 2 year old little guy was back. He loves the water- and cameras- every time we take pics he looks up and says, "CHEESE!!" He decided to squeeze the ball over Elisha's head and get him wet. Eli wasn't too sure about this, kinda just looked at him- chuckled a little bit- Theresa began getting them all wet that way- Elisha was cracking up!! It was great to trade in the sorrow and put on the joy :)
Mama is now looking forward to lesson number 5!!
PS- he loves the water and is fine when he is with me in the water. (We've been practicing :0))
Swimming lesson number 1- he began to cry for Mama after about 25 minutes.
Swimming lesson number 2- Tim came with us- he began crying for me as I'm handing him over to go in the water. He cried almost the entire time- only pausing to blow bubbles when instructed.
Swimming lesson number 3- he begins say, "No, no, no, nooo," as we are walking through the double doors, and cries the ENTIRE time- again, only pausing for brief periods as he is instructed to blow bubbles. Only he and a little girl are there this night- she is 4 and is also crying for the last 1/2 of the lesson. His brave swimming instructor!!
Swimming lesson number 4- tonight. He begins to say, "No, no, Nooooo, Mama," as we turn from the main road and begin to drive up the hill toward the school where the lessons are. By the time we turn into the school, he is crying in earnest. He pretty much cried the entire time we were waiting to go in.
Then Theresa pulled out a ball and 2 dolphins (small plastic toys). After a short period of time, Elisha was having so much fun playing with the ball and dolphins with the other children, he forgot he was not having fun- 'cause he was having a blast!! He ended the lesson in flying colors. Hoping this is a harbinger of things to come :0) Yeah, Theresa!!! Yeah, Elisha!!
Funny note- the other 2 year old little guy was back. He loves the water- and cameras- every time we take pics he looks up and says, "CHEESE!!" He decided to squeeze the ball over Elisha's head and get him wet. Eli wasn't too sure about this, kinda just looked at him- chuckled a little bit- Theresa began getting them all wet that way- Elisha was cracking up!! It was great to trade in the sorrow and put on the joy :)
Mama is now looking forward to lesson number 5!!
PS- he loves the water and is fine when he is with me in the water. (We've been practicing :0))
6 month DA
I can't believe that 6 months ago today the judge said, "Da," and we became, after a 10 more day wait, official parents to our precious little boy. Wow. 6 months. It is amazing to me how being a parent of a young child really messes with my perception of time. Each day seems to take forever. (Mostly at the beginning. The days are beginning to flow now.) There is amazement with each week that passes, as we count hours and days.
Now it seems we are counting weeks, and months.
I know all you with older children out there are shaking your heads, thinking, "If she only knew...." If it goes this fast now- what will it be like when he is in school....on his first date....going away to college.....getting married....OOOOOHHHH then I get to experience it all again..... as a grand-parent :)
I have thought a lot about our court since we got home. Especially the few moments when we were waiting in the hallway for the judge to review our case. One of the ladies there- I think the director -said something and the interpreter came over and asked Tim what he did to get such a wonderful and friendly wife. I'm afraid I was basking in the glow of court and approval too much to say what I should have. I've thought about it A LOT since we got home.
This is along the lines of what I wish I would have said, though for the life of me I can't remember what I actually did say:
He may have been lucky to find me, but I was blessed the day I met him and I truly believe it was God that brought us together. He helps to center me and keep me focused, to calm me when my overactive imagination takes over. He blesses me in ways I don't know if I'll ever be able to express, but I wish I could, just so he would know how dear and special he is to me. He is the best friend I've ever had and if I could have one more thing it would be to be able to do more stuff with him and have time to just go out and have fun together.
When he smiles, the room lights up for me- when I hear him laughing across the room with friends, I long to be part of the laughter... I'm drawn to it, like a bee to honey.
As I watch him now with our son, I see the twinkle in his eye and the bond growing between them and it makes me tear up- it is such a blessing to see and experience this joy of parenthood.
(of course I couldn't have said that at the time...... I guess this would have been more appropriate at court: )
Tim is such an amazing individual and has soo many talents and abilities, I can't wait to see him with our son at home, teaching him all these things he has learned. I long to be a fly on the wall to watch as our son sits at his Papa's knee and learns all he has to tell.
I may be able to love him with all my heart, teach him how to cook and keep clean- how to read and write- but his Papa will show him how to be a MAN after God's own heart- how to treat a lady, how to be a Papa- so that one day, hopefully and prayerfully, he(Elisha) will choose to follow God's leading in his life as his Mama and Papa try so hard to do.
Now it seems we are counting weeks, and months.
I know all you with older children out there are shaking your heads, thinking, "If she only knew...." If it goes this fast now- what will it be like when he is in school....on his first date....going away to college.....getting married....OOOOOHHHH then I get to experience it all again..... as a grand-parent :)
I have thought a lot about our court since we got home. Especially the few moments when we were waiting in the hallway for the judge to review our case. One of the ladies there- I think the director -said something and the interpreter came over and asked Tim what he did to get such a wonderful and friendly wife. I'm afraid I was basking in the glow of court and approval too much to say what I should have. I've thought about it A LOT since we got home.
This is along the lines of what I wish I would have said, though for the life of me I can't remember what I actually did say:
He may have been lucky to find me, but I was blessed the day I met him and I truly believe it was God that brought us together. He helps to center me and keep me focused, to calm me when my overactive imagination takes over. He blesses me in ways I don't know if I'll ever be able to express, but I wish I could, just so he would know how dear and special he is to me. He is the best friend I've ever had and if I could have one more thing it would be to be able to do more stuff with him and have time to just go out and have fun together.
When he smiles, the room lights up for me- when I hear him laughing across the room with friends, I long to be part of the laughter... I'm drawn to it, like a bee to honey.
As I watch him now with our son, I see the twinkle in his eye and the bond growing between them and it makes me tear up- it is such a blessing to see and experience this joy of parenthood.
(of course I couldn't have said that at the time...... I guess this would have been more appropriate at court: )
Tim is such an amazing individual and has soo many talents and abilities, I can't wait to see him with our son at home, teaching him all these things he has learned. I long to be a fly on the wall to watch as our son sits at his Papa's knee and learns all he has to tell.
I may be able to love him with all my heart, teach him how to cook and keep clean- how to read and write- but his Papa will show him how to be a MAN after God's own heart- how to treat a lady, how to be a Papa- so that one day, hopefully and prayerfully, he(Elisha) will choose to follow God's leading in his life as his Mama and Papa try so hard to do.
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