Some more of him with his new Machina-car- the engine was a gift- the body of the car is a late model Reliable special. It's a real "mover" and shaker :0)
Honestly, he crawled in there himself. We laughed so hard.
When Tim grabbed the camera to snap a picture, Eli...........
Decided he wanted to be seen better and that he was stuck........ He was able to get himself out, with only a little encouragement :0D
Here is a day in the life...... He loves to help Mama vacum- holding one hand for support and the other is firmly attached to the handle of the vacum attachment. Makes for slower vacuming- due to very small strokes on the carpet- but what great training...... :0D
Love seeing all the pictures. He just gets cuter and cuter!!
What a beautiful helper you have? I love the pictures
Best toy of all....a box!!
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